Google Transfer

Google provides a system to transfer your data from your district provided account to a personal google account. You select and verify a destination account and then select what data you wish to transfer and google takes care of the rest.

Google Takeout

Google Takeout is another method to save student data. Takeout will save your data by letting you download it locally as a .zip file to a personal computer. It is preferred that students start by backing up their data with Google Transfer

Getting Started

Start by following the link above to go to the google transfer homepage. Make sure you're logged into your district provided account, otherwise you don't know what account you'll be transferring data from.

Follow the link below to go to the Google Transfer homepage

After verifying that you are logged into your district provided account, enter the email address of the account you want to transfer the data to. Google transfer only works if the destination account is also a google account 

If you get an error like this after you enter your destination email, there are a few things you can do:

Google will send an email to your destination account that will ask you to verify ownership of the account. It will give you a code once verification is complete, copy that code into the text box and click the [VERIFY] button. 

If there is an error or the email does not appear:

If the issue persists then try using Google Takeout (Instructions below)

Once your destination account is verified then you may select what information you wish to transfer, it is recommended that you transfer both your Drive data and your Gmail to the new account however.

Before you start transferring data: double check to make sure all the account information is correct

Important Note: The transfer can take between a few hours up to a few days, the information will not likely be accessible immediately, so do not panic if your files have not yet shown up in the destination account. When the transfer is done Google will send an email to the destination account letting you know.

Google Takeout

If there was an issue with any of the above steps or you would like a different way to save your student data, then google provides a method for directly downloading a .zip file containing the contents of select google apps for your student account.

For detailed instructions, follow the link below.