DATA Backup Instructions

How to backup the data stored in your iPad



Transferring iCloud Data Without a Computer

In order to transfer data from your student iCloud account into a personal iCloud account:

3. To transfer photos click on the photos option in the iCloud screen, choose the option to "Download and Keep Originals",  this will download the photos on your device to your iCloud. Once photo library is completely downloaded, toggle the option to sync photos with iCloud so it is off. *If alert pops up asking whether you would like to delete the photos on your device or download photos and videos select the option to download photos and videos*

4. To keep additional data on your Apple ID scroll to the bottom of the iCloud page to make sure iCloud backup is on and the last backup was on a recent date. (any data changed after the last backup date will not save)

5. Log out of your student ID on your school iPad, toggle on any other information in your iCloud which you would like to save.

6. Log into your school iPad with your personal Apple ID.

7. Return to the photos options found in the iCloud setting from step 2, and turn on iCloud photos

Data should now transfer from your student account to your personal account, photos may take some time to transfer.

Transferring iCloud Data With a Computer

4. Select all data and download and save the files to your PC using the download icon at the top of the page

5. Sign out of your school ID, and log in with your personal one. Click the "Upload" icon at the top of the screen, then select the files you just downloaded from another Apple ID to upload them to your new Apple ID.

Google Drive

Note: Please backup any data from any other apps to drive BEFORE transferring your google data

Google transfer allows for students to easily transfer the important or personal information from their district provided account to a personal google account

If the student would rather save all of their google data locally, then google takeout allows for students to download a .zip file containing all of their information for select google apps or apps of their choice

For in-depth instructions including images of the process, follow the link below


In order to backup files in Notability, upload the files to iCloud and follow the iCloud transfer instructions


In order to transfer adobe projects to a new account you must export an download each file separately

Apps Not In iCloud

These instructions are for the data stored in apps which are not automatically backed up by iCloud or Google Drive