Music in our Lives, Intro to Ukulele, History of Broadway Through Film,   Acting 1, 2, 3, & 4

Students will be given a class code of conduct, classroom rules, and class expectations during the first full week of class.

Welcome to Music in Our Lives, Intro to Ukulele, History of Broadway Through Film, and Acting 1 & 2

Contact Information: 

Mrs. Rebecca Rose - email - website

315-785-3810 (office) 315-221-9955 (cell)

Asynchronous Office Hours (responding to emails/texts/calls) - Times TBA

Synchronous Office Hours (available for Zoom calls/phone calls) - Times TBA

I can also be emailed/texted/called any time and I will respond within 1 - 2 business days. 

Any communication/texts/emails received after 3:00 p.m. will usually be attended to the next day.