Answers to Some Commonly Asked Staff Questions


My cursor isn't working on my Chromebook?

All Chromebook repair support is to go through Dave Campbell. Please share the Google Password Reset and Chromebook Repair site link with parents:

A student cannot log into his/her Chromebook. Who should I contact?

All Google password resets are to go through Dave Campbell. Please share the Google Password Reset and Chromebook Repair site link with parents:

My Student is having an issue with his or her Chromebook that we can't fix. Who should I direct the student/parent/guardian to for support?

Advise them to call one of two numbers in order to setup an appointment to come in to the high school.

(315) 783-3864 (AV Office at High School) or (315) 785-3865

Please ask them to leave a message with name, issue, and a return phone call number. We will attempt to call back to them as soon as possible to set make an appointment on Tuesdays or Thursdays between 10am and 11am.

Google Classroom

Is there a way to unassign classwork without deleting it?

There is currently no way to unassign class work without deleting it. Unless you put it in an old assignments topic that you can place underneath all topics.

How do I set up email notifications in Classroom so I know when a student leaves a private comment on an assignment?

It is all in your settings. Please use the link to turn on or off your settings.

My settings are set to receive notifications but I am still not receiving emails when my students turn in assignments. What am I doing wrong?

Maybe nothing. There are teachers who work in the same building who receive email notifications when students turn in assignments and some teachers who do not, even though the settings are the same. Daphne Batista is currently working on this problem, but the more names we can send her the more likely we can find what the similarities are between those accounts and get it rectified. Email Daphne at and ask her to add your name to the list of those who are not receiving notifications.

Google Sites

How do I set up my Google Site?

Detailed instructions are available on the Google Sites for WCSD page.

How do I add a Search Bar to my Google Site?

Go to the Google Custom Search Engine page:

  1. From the Google Custom Search homepage, click Create a custom search engine or New search engine.

  2. In the Sites to search box, type one or more sites you want to include in the search results. ...

  3. In the Name of the search engine field, enter a name to identify your search engine. ...

  4. Once you're ready, click Create.

Phone Service

I want to communicate with students and parents, but I am uncomfortable sharing my cell number with everyone. Are other phone options available?

Yes- check out Google Voice. You can learn how to set up a 2nd phone number so that you can call out and receive calls using your Google Voice number instead of your personal phone number.

Screen Recording

How do I get access to the full version of Screencastify screen capturing software?

  • A special coupon code unlocks Unlimited access through at least April 30.
    To activate Screencastify Unlimited access, follow these instructions:

    • Visit this page and click "Redeem coupon" (under the Next Billing Date)

    • Enter code CAST_COVID

    • Click "Activate License" (no credit card required). Ignore the Next Billing Date - that will be incorrect

Zoom Conferencing

Can I view all of my students at once on a Chromebook?

You can view multiple students at once, but the number you can view at one time is device dependent. More powerful processors allow up to 49 participants to be viewed on the screen at one time. Learn more here:

How can I change the screen so my students can be the speaker?

Zoom by default uses speaker view, which generally works well with smaller groups of adults, but not necessarily with classrooms. You might try switching settings as needed to have the focus on you or on peers taking turns answering questions.

This page explains active speaker settings:

How Can I create breakout rooms in Zoom?

Here is a quick guide on how to set them up. Guide to Creating Breakout Rooms

How much remote learning time should be expected of students?

Learning Time Guidelines

from Jefferson Lewis BOCES

Recommendations for the amount of time students should be engaged in remote learning daily have been gathered from a variety of sources (cited below). These guidelines are intended to be flexible to accommodate the wide variety of learners and types of instruction. Previous screen time limits were originally based on television/entertainment research and do not apply to online continuity of instruction learning according to Dr. Michael Rich, the Director of the Center on Media and Child Health. Research does support the effectiveness of virtual conversations in the learning process.

Grade Level Daily Learning Time

Pre-K 20 - 60 minutes

K-1 30 - 90 minutes

2-3 45 - 90 minutes

3-5 60 - 120 minutes

6-8 90 - 180 minutes

9-12 120 - 240 minutes

Barton, A. (2020, March 24). Yes, your kids are on screens in these trying times. No, you're not a terrible parent because of coronavirus. Retrieved from
Chappaqua Central School District iLearning Guidance Document (2020, March 12)
Illinois State Board of Education Remote Learning Recommendations during Covid-19 Emergency. (2020, March 27). Retrieved from
Indiana Department of Education Continuous Learning Guide (2020, March). Retrieved from
International Baccalaureate Online Learning, Teaching and Education Continuity Planning for Schools. (2020, March). Retrieved from
National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Webinar (2020, March)
Preston, E. (2019, July 12). Screen Time Is Good for Kids - If There's a Human on the Other End. Retrieved from

What are the Instructional Guidelines and Expectations for Students?

WCSD Online Learning Expectations ^0 Guidelines for Students.pdf

How Can I Help My Parents and Guardians Check Assignments in Google Classroom?

GC Parent Resource- HowCan I Check GC Assignments.pdf

Creating a Mass Parent Email List in SchoolTool

How to Create a Mass Email in SchoolTool.pdf