Guided Lessons
Lesson 1: Emotions (las emociones)

1. Listen to this read aloud of ¿Estás lista para Jugar Afuera? by Mo Willems.

¡Escucha, habla, dibuja!
2. Do this guided listening, speaking and drawing activity after listening to the read aloud, ¿Estás lista para Jugar Afuera? by Mo Willems. You need paper, a pencil, and crayons.
Lesson 2: House (la casa)

¡Escucha, habla, practica!
1. Listen to this interactive video. Repeat phrases and answer questions out loud.

¡Escucha, habla, practica!
2. Listen to this interactive video. Repeat phrases and answer questions out loud.
¡Escucha, habla, dibuja!
3. Listen and follow along while you build an origami house. Don't forget to practice out loud and to label the parts of your house!
Lesson 3: Pastimes and Weather (los pasatiempos y el clima)
1. Listen to this read aloud ¿Qué Hace Pablo Durante la Pandemia del Coronavirus? by Sra. Koehler.
¡Escucha, habla, escribe, dibuja!
2. After listening to the read aloud, ¿Qué Hace Pablo Durante la Pandemia del Coronavirus?, complete this guided activity. You will need paper, a pencil, and crayons. Remember to always say your answers out loud.
Lesson 4: Helping at Home (Ayudando en la casa)
¡Escucha, habla, dibuja, escribe!
1. Complete this guided activity on chores presented by Señora Heffernan and Señora Reed. You need paper and a pencil. Make sure to repeat and say your answers out loud too!
¡Canta y baila!
2. Sing along and stand up everytime you hear a chore that someone does to help at home. Make up actions to show how you can help at home and repeat with the word in Spanish. For example, how would you show "lavar los platos"?
¡Escucha y repite!
3. Listen to this story about how dinosaurs clean their rooms. Repeat all the words that you recognize or try to read along!
Lesson 5: The Rainforest Part 1 (La Selva Tropical)
1 (Part I). Listen to this video and learn about different aspects of the tropical rainforest.
¡Escucha, habla, escribe, dibuja!
2 (Part II). Complete this guided activity after listening to the video about the rainforest. You will need paper, pencil and crayons/colored pencils.
3 (Part I). Listen to this video and learn about animals of the tropical rainforest.
¡Practica, escribe, dibuja!
4 (Part II). Complete this guided activity after listening to the previous video about the rainforest. You will need paper, pencil and crayons/colored pencils.
Lesson 5: The Rainforest Part 2 (La Selva Tropical)
¡Escucha y responde!
2. Listen to this read aloud and complete a true/false activity.