

Main Goals:

  • Regulate the closet and the items in it

  • Clean the classroom or designate cleaning jobs to the Force Support NCO

  • Maintain the posters we have displayed or that need to be displayed

  • Keep track of all uniform items that are issued with hand receipts

  • At the beginning and end of the year, count all uniform items to keep track of inventory for the following semester's items

  • Update WINGS to make sure that everything is updated and issued out

    • Know if the corps needs additional uniform items

Side Goals:

  • Make sure every cadet has a responsibility when it comes to maintaining our classroom

  • When cadets return their uniforms, make sure that the uniforms are returned dry cleaned


Main Goals:

  • Take plenty of pictures

    • Keep all pictures separated by flight or event

  • Keep records of the Drill Team, Raiders, Academic Bowl, Military Ball, as well as the everyday classes

  • If the Public Affairs Commander or the Public Affairs NCO are not at an event, designate a fill-in to record and take pictures of the event

  • Make a scrapbook of all events in a year

    • Scrapbooks should resemble yearbooks

    • Include pictures of:

      • In-class

      • Color guards

      • Drill Team

      • Field trips

      • Morale events

      • Drill practices

      • Raiders

      • Make sure to organize the above categories and keep the categories about the same size

Side Goals:

  • Help the Cyber update the pictures on the website and on Instagram



  • Keep the website updated at all times

    • Make sure Corps Calendar on the website is updated

    • Update names and staff positions to the website

    • Update events to the website

  • Improve the website's appearance

  • Repair any computers that need to be repaired

Drill/Color Guard Commander

Color Guard Duties:

  • Coordinate with the athletic office to support home games with color guards

    • Football, wrestling, basketball, track, and cross country

  • Coordinate with principal/counselors about color guards for special school events

  • Find and contact people and businesses to ask if they would like a color guard

  • Update Google Classroom with the who, when, and where of each color guard

  • Contact other schools in the nearby area and ask if they would like any color guard for any event

Drill Commander Duties:

  • Memorize the Air Force Drill Manual

    • Foremost Drill Competitions this corps completes in Army Regulation

      • Memorize Army Training Circular TC 3-21.5 Dated Jan 2012

  • Pick out Drill Meets the Drill Team wishes to compete in

  • Make teams for each Drill Meet the corps wants to compete in

    • Unarmed, armed, inspection, color guard, etc.

    • Assign commanders to each team

  • Make room assignments for when the Drill Team travels to Meets

  • Teach 1st year cadets how to do drill

  • Make sure everyone is on task and doing what they supposed to be doing when practicing drill

  • Plan in advance for Drill Days

  • Memorize drill cards for Drill Meets

  • Plan and organize West's Drill Meet


Main Goals:

  • Ensure cadets know the workout/game they are doing for Wellness Day (every Friday)

    • There can only be one game day per month

  • Plan for the Presidential Fitness Test (PFT)

  • Ensure that workouts planned are able to be completed (to some extent) by all cadets

  • Make sure the daily exercises are enforced

    • Most cadets must be able to do them

    • Daily exercises must not take more than 2 minutes

  • Update everyone's PFT scores in WINGS

  • Work with Deputy Group Commander to plan the Bataan Death March

  • Plan and organize Sports Day when it is the corps' time to host it

Side Goals:

  • Use days prior to the PFT to prepare cadets for the PFT

  • Complete tasks assigned by the Support Squadron Commander

Civil Engineer

Main Goals:

  • Keep the classroom clean

  • Dust all trophies and decorations

  • Make sure broken items get repaired

  • Hang posters when available

  • Be in charge of community projects (Flag Pole Patio Project)

  • Repair classrooms/closets as needed

    • Request items needed to repair classrooms/closets

    • Paint the walls

    • Ensure rifle cases are working and not damaged

    • Clean the drill rifles

    • Clean the microwave and fridge

Side Goals:

  • Help the Force Support Officer with closet cleaning and counting uniform items if needed

  • Designate cleaning jobs if needed

  • Work with the Cyber Officer to repair any computers if needed

  • Stock the fridge if needed

Raiders Commander


  • Be in charge of Raiders

  • Plan workouts

    • Workouts should get harder as the year progresses

  • Must know how to tie knots and be able to teach how to tie knots

    • Bowline

    • Half hitch

    • Two half hitches

    • Clove hitch

    • Wireman's knot

    • Swiss seat

  • Must know First Aid

    • Must be able to perform First Aid in case of emergency

  • Plan practices outside to prepare Raiders for competitions; includes:

    • 5Ks, 10Ks

    • One rope bridge

    • Tire/vehicle/Humvee pull

  • Find obstacle course for Raiders to run through

    • Fun Runs

  • Plan and choose Raiders competitions to attend

  • Get contact information from SASI (Chief) and Raiders members

    • Have summer practices since most Raiders competitions are in the fall

  • Coordinate with APT to host Crucibles at middle schools and high schools

  • Coordinate with Support Squadron Commander and SASI or ASI to obtain any Raiders supplies needed