
Work I

Protecting Our Rights

Quarter 2 News Magazine | January 22, 2024

The article 'Protecting our Rights' was about different Iowan families filing a lawsuit against the state over SF-496. This law affected all students, not just LGBTQ students by preventing children to use any sort of nickname not confirmed by the parents and schools, as well as banning books with any sort of sexual content. For this article I wanted to utilize cutouts and layering. I used pictures taken of Percy, the featured student, to show the focus was on him and used a cutout of him as the primary photo. 

Sadly, this magazine was sent to print just before a big snow storm so it was held back by nearly two weeks. Due to this, I added an insert to tell the reader not all of the information was up to date. For the 'Unshelved' page, I wanted to highlight a big part of the law which was banning books, so I blocked out a list of the possible banned books with a collage of the book covers as a main photo.

I also designed the cover of this article on Procreate by drawing different faces and copying them into a crowd, then coloring a few. I chose this design to show how many believe SF-496 was made to single out LGBTQ students by preventing them from using preferred names and pronouns.

