College and Career Pathways

Waterford High is a comprehensive high school that offers students rich educational and co-curricular experiences in a supportive , nurturing environment. Waterford students have a vast array of options from which to choose. College and Career Pathways are delineated in six areas: Marine & Environmental Science, Health Services, STEM, Leadership & Public Service, Business & Hospitality, and Arts & Communication.

Health Services orient students to careers that promote health, wellness, and diagnosis as well as treat injuries and diseases. Some of the careers involve working directly with people, while others involve research into diseases or collecting and formatting data and information. Work locations are varied and may be in hospitals, medical or dental offices or laboratories, cruise ships, medivac units, sports arenas, space centers, or within the community.

Careers in the Performing Arts, Visual Arts or Journalism, Broadcasting and Film require courses and activities that challenge students' creative talents. All require an ability to effectively communicate in both oral and written form. In addition, the creative aspects of this cluster are rapidly merging with the technological, making it even more challenging.

The Business and Hospitality Pathway prepares learners for careers in the management, marketing and operations of businesses, restaurants, lodging, attractions, recreational events and travel-related services. Hospitality operations are located in communities throughout the world.

The Leadership and Public Service pathway helps prepare students for careers in planning, managing, and providing legal, public safety, and protective services. Virtually every occupation can be found within government. The federal government defends the public from foreign aggression; represents the nation’s interests abroad; deliberates, passes and enforces laws; and administers many different programs. State and local governments pass laws or ordinances and provide vital services to constituents.

A career in science, technology, engineering or mathematics is exciting, challenging, and everchanging. Learners who pursue one of these fields will be involved in planning, managing, and providing scientific research and professional and technical services including laboratory and testing services, and research and development services.

Waterford takes advantage of it’s shoreline location and boasts a strong pathway in marine and environmental sciences. This pathway prepares students to do the research and problem-solving necessary for a successful career protecting our natural resources. Courses offer hands-on research experiences as well as rigorous curricula.



  • Make learning relevant

  • Increase interest in elective offerings

  • Emphasize the interdisciplinary nature of the world of work

  • To increase students’ understanding of the connection between academics and potential career choices

Career pathway information taken from Naviance

Blue indicates an option to earn college credit through either AP, ECE, or CCP

Red indicates an extracurricular activity


Probability and Statistics

Personal Finance

Discrete Math


Math and Music

Math and Art

Coastal Navigation

College Math Topics

AP Statistics

AP Calculus

Architectural Drafting/CAD


Drafting/CAD II

Construction Engineering

Fundamentals of Land Surveying

Innovation in Engineering

Residential Construction

Woodworking I

Woodworking II

Advanced Drafting

Transportation/ Robotics

Mobile Computer Science

Computer Science

Introduction to Web Design

Advanced Web Design

Video Production

Advanced Video Production

Graphic Communications

Forensics for Future Presidents

Physics for Future Presidents

AP/ECE Chemistry

AP Physics

Shoreline Calculus Competition

Ocean Bowl

Science Bowl - Northeast Regional

Science Olympiad

Marine & Environmental Science

Coastal Navigation

Probability and Statistics

AP Statistics

Environmental Science

AP Environmental

Marine Biology I - Ecosystems

Marine Biology II - Marine Organisms

ECE Marine Science

AP/ECE Chemistry

Fundamentals of Land Surveying


Drafting/CAD II

Marine Science Bowl

Northeast Regional Science Bowl

Garden Club


Project O

Health Services

First Aid / CPR

Anatomy and Physiology

Probability and Statistics

Discrete Math

AP Statistics

Abnormal Psychology

AP Psychology

Forensics for Future Presidents

Physics for Future Presidents

Chemistry for Future Presidents

ECE Biology

AP/ECE Chemistry

AP Physics

Spanish for Health Care


Medical Careers Club

Learning Through Service

Business and Hospitality


Introduction to Speech

Probability and Statistics

Discrete Math

AP Statistics


Abnormal Psychology

AP Psychology

Business 101

Principles of Management II

Senior Internship

Introduction to Graphic Design for Production

Contemporary Affairs

The Modern World

Personal Finance

Culinary Essentials

Multi-Cultural Cuisine

Prostart I

Prostart II

Bake Shoppe

Future Business Leaders of America

Internship Programs

Learning Through Service

Arts and Communication

Art Exploration Drawing & Ceramics

Art Exploration: Painting and Sculpture

2D Studio Art II

2D Studio Art III

3D Studio Art II

3D Studio Art III

Digital Art & Design I

Digital Art & Design II

Graphic Communications


Advanced Photography

Video Production

Advanced Video Production

Introduction to Web Design

Advanced Web Design

Contemporary Crafts

Spanish, French, or Latin

Art Exploration: Printmaking & Collage

2D Studio Art IV

3D Studio Art IV

Alternative Sketchbooks

Digital Art Animation

Digital Art Illustration

Perspective: Architecture, Op Art & Trompe L’oeil

Figure Drawing & Character Design

Transportation Robotics

AP Psychology

Film Studies

Music Courses

Math and Art

Latin Club

French Honor Society

Spanish Honor Society

Latin Honor Society

Tri-M Music Society

Art Honor Society


Literary Magazine

Waterford Drama

Pep Band

Hygienic Art Show

Jazz Band

Leadership and Public Service

Introduction to Speech

Contemporary Affairs

Criminal Justice

Environmental Science

AP Environmental Science


Advanced Journalism


Senior Internship

Modern World

Business 101



AP Calculus

Forensics for Future Presidents

Probability and Statistics

First Aid / CPR

AP Statistics

Discrete Math

Child Development

Early Childhood Education


Abnormal Psychology

AP Psychology

Athletic Experience

Young Leaders Program

Class Council

School Council

Principals' Forum

Key Club

Peer Tutoring

Peer Mediation

National Honor Society

Learning Through Service

POS 2022-2023_Pathways.pdf