
#1- Ready Math Lessons

Students will work through lessons and ask questions during our Try-Discuss-Connect routine.  They will then practice what they have learned by completing practice pages, logging into IReady learning path online, and practicing math facts with Fact Fluency Pages, Xtramath, and/or an online program.  I will post our math slides for the week.  Each slide show presentation has a video to go with the lesson and an exit ticket as a formative assessment.  At the end of each unit, students take a summative assessment.  This grade goes on the report card. 

Unit 1:  Whole Number Operations and Applications

Lesson 1 Understand Volume

Lesson 2 Find Volume Using Unit Cubes

Lesson 3 Find Volume Using Formulas

Lesson 4 Multiply Multi-Digit Numbers

Lesson 5 Divide Multi-Digit Numbers

#2- IReady Online Learning-

I-Ready is the online learning portion of our math program. It contains two sections: Learning Path, and Learning Games. Students access this through CLEVER

Learning Path: Students have a learning path that contains just-right lessons and practice based on their diagnostic test.  Students normally do 15-20 minutes on their i-Ready Learning Path every morning at school. I suggest they continue this at home! 

Learning Games: Students may also go onto iReady games- these games are for math fact practice. If they prefer Xtra Math for Math fact practice, that is another option.   They will also be assigned specific skills and standards with different websites for extra practice.