Welcome to 5th Grade:)  I am looking forward to a great new year.  I will be teaching math to all sections this year.  Please feel free to contact me with any questions.  Email is best because I look at my gmail throughout the day, but phone calls and notes work well too.  I will reply in a timely manner.   

Just a reminder that this year we are encouraging healthy snacks like popcorn, pretzels, fruit, and veggies! 

Mrs. Noel Tessmer        tessmer@waterford.k12.wi.us   

Room 24   (262)514-8210 ext. 1024

***please be Aware!   *If your student has a summer birthday, please fill out the form to let me know what day we can celebrate in class.  Students may bring in a treat if they would like.  We do have an allergy in our classroom for eggs and dairy-please let me know if I should provide an alternate dessert/snack if your treat has these items in them.