PBIS at Home

Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) is used at school to help provide structure and feedback for students. Below are some resources that can help families start to putting PBIS practices in place at your home. 

Setting Home Expectations Final.mp4

Family expectations matrix 

This is a way to create a list of behaviors that you hope to see your child demonstrate as experience online learning.

We would love to see your family expectations. If  you want please feel free to share them with us.  Email us at jerolyn.friesen@washougalsd.org and title it family expectations examples. 

Setting Routines Home Recording.mp4

Building a schedule at home during distance learning

We would love to see your family schedules. If you want please feel free to share your schedule with us.  Email us at jerolyn.friesen@washougalsd.org 

Mix in some breaks to your child's day. 

Breaks are an important part of your child's school day. In addition to lunch and recess, some teachers will schedule in small breaks for students through out the day.  Below are two sites that you can use to build in small breaks for your child at home. 

It will ask you to create an account but it is free.