
Scheduling a conference:

We use this website to schedule conferences:

If you are the parent of a 6th or 7th grader, you will schedule with a team. You will meet with all of your teachers during one time slot. You can additionally schedule a conference with their Related Arts teacher or Gym teacher during a separate time slot.

If you are the parent of an 8th grader, you will schedule a conference with the individual teachers you would like to talk with. You will have a separate slot for each teacher. You can additionally schedule a conference with their Related Arts teacher or Gym teacher during a separate time slot.

Here is a video on how to schedule a single conference:

This is how to sign up for a conference about one student (Team, Related Arts or Individual 8th Grade Teacher.)

This is how you sign up multiple students for their conferences.

If you have one student but want to schedule with multiple teachers this video will help you.