Overall 💠
Zoe Wiker
Oversee all committees and leadership team
Plan meetings and facilitate communication
Promote the cause and event on a consistent basis
Communicate between advisors, Four Diamonds staff, and Warwick administration
Entertainment 🎤
Claire Diffenbach
Plan meeting agendas for the committee (about once a month)
Plan the hour by hour schedule with Mrs. Graybill (also map out where everything will go)
Contact club advisors, dance studios, etc to get them to sponsor an activity during Mini - THON®
Create a to-do list of everything that needs to get done before Mini - THON®, along with a list of everything we need for Mini - THON®
Choose entertaining EMCEEs for the Mini - THON® and talent show
Talent Show (Mr. Four Diamonds pageant, work with dance team for sports team dances)
Planning out and executing the 5K run
Finance 💸
Lexie Davies
Manage Donor Drive and all donations
Count and deposit money, keep track of all expenses / outgoing money
Coordinating Business Blast
Hospitality 🍪🍴
Mia Pautz
Organizing meetings to plan who will make and sell baked goods at events (these meetings will be necessary before any events)
Picking up food for the Mini - THON® event, coordinating Food Trucks
Food fundraiser organzation throughout the year
Keeping track of door prizes and gift certificates / non-monetary donations throughout the year
Writing THANK YOU notes to donors for the door prizes, gift certificates, and other monetary or non-monetary donations
Deciding on gift basket themes, coordinating the sign-ups, creating the baskets, and assembling them
Decorations 🎈🎨
Abby Muñoz
Planning / running meetings to make posters to promote events and fundraisers
Decide the Mini - THON® theme
Coordinate with Special Events/Public Relations committees to see what promotions are needed
Coming up with ideas for themed decorations for Mini - THON®, and later making the decorations for Mini - THON® (after school meetings throughout the year)
100 day Mini - THON® countdown
Making decorations for any other events when necessary
Public Relations & Tech 📣📱
Emily Stauffer and Carter Smith
PSAs, general promotion of Mini - THON®, and other events
Managing the social media accounts (Twitter and Instagram)
Advertising Mini - THON® and other big events such as Talent Show
Updating website throughout the year
Make PSAs and morning announcement promotions
Take pictures/video at all Mini-THON® events throughout the year
Family Relations 👨👩👧👦
Logan Muñoz
Reach out to the Four Diamonds community to find family speakers for the assembly and Mini-THON
Extend personal invitations to families for any Mini-THON related events
Match each committee up with a pen pal for the year and oversee the relationships
Mrs. Jones
Family Relations and Finance
Mrs. Graybill
Mrs. Mowrer
Decorations and Hospitality
Mr. Boland
Public Relations