Classroom Expectations

School Principles [S.O.A.R]: 

SELF: Students are aware of how life events and others make them feel. Students understand how their feelings then affect their thoughts and actions and are able to express themselves and regulate their feelings and actions.

OTHERS: Students are able to understand and empathize with others, communicate positively with others, and manage conflict appropriately.

ATTITUDE: Students maintain a positive attitude and persevere to achieve their dreams even when they face a challenge.

RESPONSIBILITY: Students understand that they are responsible for their actions, and they are able to think of choices and make good decisions.


behavior punches 

JAckpot Tickets 

By following or exceeding classroom expectations, students can earn "Jackpot tickets" throughout each day. They simply write their name on the ticket and place it in our Jackpot Jar. To conclude our morning huddles, we draw a few tickets and the jackpot winners can choose from various privileges (an exercise ball as their chair,  or another privilege like lunch with Miss Faur and a few friends).