Smart Phone Articles

Smartphones Essay Prompt: Do you see Smartphones creating a positive impact in our lives or one that is hindering -- otherwise known as harmful?

Source 1 -- Your Smartphone Is Changing the Human Race in Surprising Ways

Source 1 -- Your Smartphone is Changing....

Source 2 -- The Digital Gap Between Rich and Poor Kids Is Not What We Expected

Source 2 -- The Digital Gap Between....

Source 3 -- Mobile phones in the classroom: A helpful or harmful hindrance?

Source 3 -- Mobile Phones in the Classroom....

Source 4 -- Why Banning Cellphones in Schools Misses the Point

Source 4 -- Why Banning Cell Phones....

Source 5 -- Enough with the moral panic over smartphones

Source 5 -- Enough With the Moral Panic....

Source 6 -- Smartphones make communication easier, not necessarily better

Source 6 -- Smartphones make Communication....