Quick Facts and FAQ

Quick Facts

- “The Case for Music in the Schools,” Phi Delta Kappan, February 1994.

Frequently Asked Questions about Music At Drakes Creek

Yes.  Under certain circumstances, a student’s schedule can be changed at the semester but our music classes are designed to be year long classes.

None.  Music classes do not take the place of any class, they are scheduled just like any other class and meet every day for approximately 50 minutes in the either the Band Room or the Choir Room.  Students do not miss instructional time in other classes in order to participate in music.  In fact, students who participate in music generally do better in their other classes

No.  Mr. Finkbine will help students select the instrument that is best for them over the next few weeks.  After that, he will send information on how to rent, purchase, repair, or borrow an instrument. Mrs. Fields is very accomplished at teaching students to sing from absolutely nothing.  She could make a rock sing if needed.

No.  We all have different face/jaw/teeth/lip structures so Mr. Finkbine will help your child find the best instrument for them and the band later this year.  Similarly, Mrs. Fields will help your child find the best voice part for them and help them when their voice begins to change.

No.  Music classes at Drakes are progressive in nature and continuously build on skills already learned.  If your child joins at a later date, they could struggle because they are playing catch up the entire time.  We do occasionally have students who join a music class later and do well but they are rare.  Please, for this reason, if your child is wishy-washy, encourage them to try it at first.  After the school year starts, it is too late.

Not at all. We start from the beginning with everyone.

Absolutely yes!  We have students THIS YEAR who spend up to three periods per day in one of the music rooms.  They love it!

Music at Drakes Creek does NOT conflict with after school athletics (there are 3-4 required performances per year in the evening, they are scheduled well in advance).  We have football, soccer, volleyball, basketball, baseball, softball players in our ensembles.  We are more than happy to work with coaches around any scheduling conflicts that may arise.  Your child will never have to choose between a music class and anything else.