Who's who at WPSA?

Mr Dom Kenrick

Role: Headteacher

Where you can find me: my office is in the main building, near reception.

Not many people know about me: that I am related to Hugh Lofting who wrote the Dr. Doolittle stories.

Ms Debbie Wheeler

Role: Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for Key Stage 3.

Email: dwheeler@wardenpark.co.uk

Where you can find me: my office is on the ground floor of the Ferguson Building, opposite the lift.

Not many people know about me:: that I am learning to play golf, tennis and the piano; I love learning new things!

Mrs Corinne O'Brien

Role: Head of Year 7

Email: cobrien1@wardenpark.co.uk

Where you can find me: in the Year 7 Pastoral office.

Not many people know about me: that my Dad was a veterinary surgeon. When I was born, my mum went into labour early and so my Dad delivered me!

Ms Demi Rees

Role: Science teacher and Deputy Head of Year 7

Where you can find me: S6 or the Year 7 pastoral office

Not many people know about me: that I spent a year travelling around Australia, Asia and New Zealand and sky dived!

Mrs Angie Whyte

Role: Pastoral Support Officer with responsibility for Transition.

Email: awhyte@wardenpark.co.uk

Where you can find me: in the Year 7 Pastoral office.

Not many people know about me: that not only have I climbed Ben Nevis, but I have run a marathon for Warden Park charity in 2011 and raised £2000

Ms Chandra Whear

Role: Pastoral Support Officer.

Email: cwhear@wardenpark.co.uk

Where you can find me: in the Year 7 Pastoral office.

Not many people know about me: that I went zip-lining with gibbons in Chiang Mai.