Resources for New Students

We have some people that we would like you to meet! This video will introduce you to some key members of staff.

What will my timetable look like?

This video talks about what you will study, how classes will be organised, the timings of the school day, and where you will go for break and lunch.

This video talks about the types of lessons that you might be studying, as well as the types of clubs you can do here. It also talks about the wonderful food that we have at WPSA!

This video talks about how to be successful with homework, uniform, lunchtimes, and some of our school's systems.

This video shows you what your first day might be like and how you can best prepare.

This video shows you some of the key areas in our school.

This video talks about some of our non-sporting clubs; there are many for you to try. Be brave, you never know what you are good at until you try!

This video was made by our Senior Team. These are a group of students who help the teachers out at WPSA as well as representing the views of the student body. Their video shows you some key areas of the school. It also features some of our current Year 7s talking about their experiences of WPSA.

Mr Sears (Headteacher at Northlands Wood Primary Academy) talks to some Year 7 students about their experience of moving to Warden Park Secondary Academy.

This video explains how our house system works. It is a bit like in Harry Potter where they have different houses. I wonder where our sorting hat will place you!

The Music department prides itself on not just being for musically talented students; there is something for everyone, so be brave and try something new!

Anyone can join this club! This is group of students who are always looking for new ways to promote kindness across the school because it is cool to be kind!

This video covers some of the most frequently asked questions from our students. If you have a question that is not featured on this video, please feel free to email one of our Year 7 team who will answer it for you.

Yr 6 Transition Workbook.pdf

You may want to use this booklet to help you learn about WPSA. You can use the resources on this website to help you complete the booklet.

Year 6 Summer Holiday Vocabulary Challenge.pdf

If you would like to challenge yourself over the summer holidays, you could complete the work in this booklet.