Home Activities

Looking for something to do at home? Here you can find tech free ways to stay busy, stay healthy, and be creative at home!

Stay Healthy

  • Have the students try to do at least 20-30 minutes of exercise a day.

  • Stretches are a great way to stay active.

  • Easy workouts are: jumping jacks, planks and sit ups.

  • Encourage walking around the block or the yard.

  • There are many resources online that we will attach in the classroom to help exercise at home.

  • In home yoga is a great way to exercise.

  • Also play a game of Simon says with different workouts.

  • Don’t forget to play outside and get some fresh air.

Be Creative

  • Have the students be creative during their time at home!

  • Have them create a self portrait by drawing, painting, sketching or any form of art.

  • Click here for 3 weeks of drawing prompts!

  • Any form of creative expression is encouraged.

  • They can also use Legos or blocks to build and create different replicas of their home or even the Whittemore School.

  • We would love to see their art work!

In the Kitchen!

Learn to make pizza dough with Ms. Levine!

Click here to open in Youtube!

Learn some new skills!

Watch this video or ask a family member to teach you how to tie shoes. Remember, practice makes perfect!

Self Care

Don't forget to wash your hands! Click to watch this awesome video featuring our very own Ms. Mount!

Keep a Journal

There have been a lot of big changes lately. It is so good for you to put your feelings down on paper. You can keep a journal and write about what you are feeling and what you are doing with your time at home.

The journal can be just for yourself, or you can send your writing to your teacher! Here are some feelings words and a sentence frame to help you get started:

Today I feel ___________ because...