I'm Hungry!

Kai Time!

Here you will find recipes and ideas to keep your tummies full! Have fun trying new foods and recipes.

Grandma's Marshmellow Shortcake
Feijoa Crunch Muffins

Cut up some apple, sprinkle with cinnamon and dip into a nut butter of your choice.

Create a snack tray with a muffin tin or ice-cube tray. You could add chopped fruit, veges, raisins, nuts, cheese, cereal - whatever you have!

Make banana sushi! Roll banana in wraps and add peanut butter, Nutella, coconut or jam.

Pop some popcorn and make it your favourite flavour. You could try cocoa, cinnamon or cheese.

Use whatever fruit you have to make some fruit kebabs,

Get creative with adding different toppings to porridge. You could try blueberries and lemon zest, peanut butter, coconut or jam.

Tasty toppings - use toast or sliced kumura (toasted) with tasty toppings like egg, avocado, berries, banana or cheese.

Pita pocket pizzas - use grated cheese, tomato sauce, pineapple, ham, tinned tuna, spaghetti or any toppings you have to make some mini pizzas.