
Tomasz and Kenzy

The Hunt

The stone age people had rather weird hunting strategies. They forced hordes of animals down a cliff through a stone tunnel then they climbed down to gather the meat, skin, bones and the skin for clothes. They used the bones for weapons and other tools. They also used the meat for feeding their pets and feeding themselves, their friends and camp. They normally use the skin for clothes, buildings and beds. They used bow and arrows or spears to hunt animals. They hunted big animals in a way they wouldn't get hurt, because they traced where the animal sleeps and drinks so when the animal is not lookin,g then they strike and kill it for its pieces. They hid in bushes then leapt out as an attack then dead.

The hunting is special for animals for their thirst.

Layton and Marley

The stone age people had a rather weird experience with hunting animals because they would not stay in the open to hunt. With the weird strategies they have encountered, they had been forced to scare animals to death like off cliffs, through dungeons, over fires and through stone tunnels. Stone age people was forced to do this for there hunger!...So they wont starve to death. The animals that they killed they collected meat, bones ,blood and skin. The skin is used for clothes, shoes, bed covers/sheet and pillows with fluff. Hunting is part of their hard lives until they die. Somethings that the stone age people do are weird and complicated. For your own facts, stone age people can't talk, they yell. If they see any animal big or small they would pounce and strike the animals. Normally they would hide in bushes and trees then LEAP! out of their hiding spaces and charge for the animal. All the time they would scare them, and make sure it will be dead. They would spend all night and all day every day charging and pouncing for their prey in rocket speed. They wouldn't stop until they were at max speed when they were exhausted.