USE SIFT to evaluate sources 


Before you use or share a piece of information, 


When you first begin reading or viewing a news story, a cartoon, or a video, pause for a moment to consider the source.

Don't use or share a piece of information until you are sure it's accurate.

If you're not sure about the source of the info,


Do some quick searches to learn more.

If you know why this information was published, you'll have a better idea about how reliable it is.

Look for coverage of the information in another source


Accurate and reliable information can be found in multiple sources.

Beware of information that is only part of the overall story. For example a speech can be misrepresented by leaving out some of what was actually said. 

If you can't find the information reported anywhere else, you probably shouldn't trust it.

Whenever possible, find the original source of the information


The most accurate information comes from the original source rather than someone's description.

The best information comes from the original source. 

Read the full speech or document for yourself instead of trusting another person's interpretation or summary. 

Icons made by Freepik from FlaticonAdapted by Jen DeMonte from SIFT (The Four Moves) by Mike Caulfield licensed under CC-BY 4.0