Egyptian pharaohs


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Britannica School

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Research in Context (Gale)

  • Find tertiary and primary information about the lives of people from prehistory through modern time.

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World History Encyclopedia

  • Offers an array of historical topics and narratives through text, video, and interactive features including audio for articles. Use the search bar to find your topic.

  • Useful for Hatshepsut and Ramsses II.


  • A short article about Khufu from Ancient Egypt Online.

Pyramid of Khufu

  • An article with lots of detail about the Great Pyramid.

Senusret I

  • An article about the pharaoh written by an Egyptologist

Ancient Egypt - Pharaoh Senusret I

  • A video about the pharaoh and his accomplishments.


In case you're interested


Decoding the Great Pyramid

  • A full-length episode on the pyramids at Giza.

  • Scroll down for links to related information.

How The Pyramids Were Built

  • A 6-min video that looks at ancient Egyptian mathematics, building techniques, and tools.


From Warrior Women to Female Pharaohs: Careers for Women in Ancient Egypt

  • An article describing the roles and freedoms of women in Ancient Egypt


Egyptian Mummies

  • A detailed description of the mummification process with images of many Smithsonian artifacts of mummies.

The Mummification Process

  • A 3-min video showing the steps in the mummification process.