Student-Centered Coaching

What it is

  • an opportunity for us to work in a partnership to enhance teaching and learning
  • guided by learning targets based on the standards
  • deciding instructional strategies based on student evidence
  • collaborative and supportive

What it isn't

  • teacher evaluative
  • telling someone what to do
  • a "fix the teacher" mentality

Our Guiding Principles:

As student-centered coaches, we hold ourselves responsible to the following guiding principles:

Put kids first: They are the reason we are here, in order to help them learn.

Listen: We listen more than we talk.

Ask Questions: Seek first to understand by asking questions.

Collaborate: Work with others, form a partnership in order to learn together.

Be Professional: Our work together is confidential and non-evaluative.

Be Positive: Assume positive intent, always look for the good in what is happening