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The e-Tuts

The e-Tuts (Enabling Teachers to Use Technology) are an eLearning initiative based in the Centre for Tertiary Teaching and Learning (CeTTL). The eTut team consists of University of Waikato students from a range of faculties, academic disciplines, and levels of study. The e-Tut concept is based on successful eLearning development programs in place at other New Zealand universities and is designed to assist teaching staff in their investigation and use of teaching technologies.

The Centre's eLearning Designers, supported by the e-Tuts, are available to advise and assist as lecturers explore new ideas, trial technology, or just talk about what they would like to achieve in their paper. The University supports a number of teaching technologies, including Moodle, Mahara, Panopto, Adobe Connect, Google Apps for Education and Turnitin. Sometimes lecturers want to learn just the basics of Moodle, but at other times they might want to explore general teaching ideas in which other technologies can play a role. For example, the e-Tuts could help lecturers integrate web-conferencing (Adobe Connect) into online lecturers or tutorials. They could demonstrate how students can create their own websites to showcase assignments (Google Sites) or an ePortfolio of text and audio-visual reflections on course content (Mahara). In addition the e-Tuts will develop a suite of short 'how to' videos to assist lecturers to explore and learn about technology options independently.

The e-Tuts and the Centre eLearning team are looking forward to helping you with questions about other software and providing flexible support for your teaching development and course design needs. The e-Tuts are based in Room W.G.79 (drop-ins are encouraged - no appointment required), or you can book a time for an e-Tut to visit your office. If you'd like some assistance, please contact us at

Contact Us

We are located in the Centre for Tertiary Teaching and Learning in room W.G.79.

Office Hours: Monday to Friday 10am-2pm

extn: 9562

or email and we will come to your office.