General Information


  • Wahoo Headstart Preschool

    • for qualifying children ages 3 - 5 years old

    • 2056 N. Hackberry St., Wahoo, NE 68066

    • map

  • Wahoo Elementary School

    • for children ages 5 - 11 years old

    • 2056 N. Hackberry St., Wahoo, NE 68066

    • map

  • Wahoo Middle School

    • for children ages 11-14 years old

    • 2201 N. Locust St., Wahoo, NE 68066

    • upper floor

    • map

  • Wahoo High School

    • for children and young adults ages 15-21 years old

      • most students graduate at 18 years old, but students who have not fulfilled graduation requirements may attend until age 21

    • 2201 N. Locust St., Wahoo, NE 68066

    • ground floor

    • map


  • Call

    • Elementary School 402-443-4250

    • Middle School 402-443-3101

    • High School 402-443-4332

  • Email

    • Elementary secretary

      • Colleen Sutton


      • Roxane Malousek

        • rmalousek

    • Middle School secretary

      • Jodi Kuchera


    • High School secretary

      • Jodi Cihal


      • Michelle Krecklow


    • English as a Second Language teacher


  • All students are required to register before attending school. Please click on the individual school tab at the top of this page for further information.


  • Nebraska school laws require that all students be in school during all days and hours that school is in session. Mandatory ages of attendance are age 6 to age 18 unless a student has obtained a high school diploma.

    • If your child must be absent, you must communicate with the school about their absence.

      • If your child is sick, call the school and use the phrase:

"My name is _____. My child's name is _____. They are sick and will not be at school today."

  • If your child has an appointment, call the school and use the phrase:

"My name is _____. My child's name is _____. They have an appointment and will not be at school."

or if they will be at school and will need to leave early, use the phrase:

  • "My name is _____. My child's name is _____. They have an appointment and I will pick them up from school at _____.


  • Opportunities to volunteer at your child's school are often available. Please check with your child's teacher for more information.