Tips for Pre K

😀Read to your child daily and discuss the book by asking questions.

😀Teach your child how to manage their clothes. (Buttoning, snapping, zipping, and put their shoes on the correct foot).

😀Teach your child their first and last name.

😀Model good manners with your child and teach them to share.

😀Teach your child to listen carefully and follow directions.  (Give them 1 step and 2 step directions to follow:  Pick up the books and put them on the shelf).

😀Give your child age appropriate chores to do (Pick up your toys when you are finished playing).

😀Encourage your child to read books by retelling what they see in the pictures.

😀Limit game, television, and device time, instead play fun games.

😀Have meaningful conversations with your child (Use a variety of vocabulary)

😀Make sure your child gets adequate sleep (8-10 hours of quality sleep).

😀Help your child make good choices and know that there are consequences when good choices are not made.

😀Make sure they are potty trained and can attend to their toileting needs.

😀Teach them to communicate verbally and appropriately when they need or want something (Discourage tantrums).

😀Ask your child open-ended questions that require a response. (What do you want for lunch?  Why are you upset?)

😀Require your child to use words instead of pointing.

😀Encourage independence.

Talk to your child about starting Pre-K and that they will have fun, learn new things, and take a nap everyday.  Let them know that they will make new friends and have nice teachers.