April 2024

Gear up for Success at VAS!

Carlos Peñuelas Cervantes

English as a second language & 

CTE- IET Residential Construction

The ESL Program is great because the áreas where you take tha classes is awesomes and cleans and the teachers everyday asked abaout what learn in the class, everyday you learn something New. And I found information of the school in the internet.

I enjoy that I made new friends and we help each other, too the teachers classes are very fun and They make the classes  more easy for learn.

My family in mexico, and my family here and my old life, I don't want my children too have the childhood like me, that is shape me.

Respect over all, for me the most importante is respect, something that make you mind open doors with all the people, and next to the love. When you know love other people, you could have a better life for ever.

I tell always to people that if you want achieve goals you need be perseverant and never give up in your dreams, all in This life It's possible. But the most importan have discipline.

Keep study english second lenguaje because I have a long away for to improve my english, and next to take my GED and go to COS to study Automotriz Technology

congratulatory message and shout out

Carlos came to the US in 2020 on a visa but had to quickly return to Mexico. When he went home, he convinced his family that it was necessary for him to return to the US to learn more and have greater opportunities. It was very difficult for him to leave his family, but they all agreed it was for the best. He returned to the U.S. in 2022. He was very fortunate to have a friend here who helped him immensely. Carlos knew very little English. When he started here at the Adult School, he was in Beginning ESL. The following year he advanced to Intermediate ESL, where he did very well...so well, he moved on to the Advanced class in April. He is also taking the Construction IET class, where he is learning more about what he loves. He is a very polite and kind person, a respectful student, and helper to his fellow students. Carlos holds down a full-time job at a dairy while attending school. He works late evenings-early mornings, but still manages to get here for school - sometimes a little late, but always here most of the time. He even tries to fit in some time for BE homework practice when he can. His goal is to get a job in the construction field. He is well deserving of this recognition.

Instructor, Judy Moxley

CTE- Vocational Nurse Program

I am currently enrolled in the VN program at Visalia Adult School. I was encouraged by an old friend and coworker to apply. What I enjoy most about the program is the time we have off for holidays and the summer. These breaks allow us to maintain a sense of normalcy and spend time with our family and work.

My Godmother has had the greatest impact on shaping who I am as a person today. I aspire to one day be as great of a person. I value authenticity and kindness, and I believe these principles will always lead one to success. A few tips I would give to someone who is thinking of attending VAS, would be to: Recognize your support system early, apply for sponsorship, and to surround yourself with like minded people. Sometimes your success is the result of those you surround yourself with. I can see myself furthering my education, and getting my RN license. As of lately, I am considering the idea of teaching in a nursing program

Rayjean Donice Young

congratulatory message and shout out

It is with honor that I recognize Vocational Nurse Student Rayjean Donice Young. Ms. Young has successfully completed 2 of 3 terms and is expected to graduate May 2024 from Visalia Adult School’s Vocational Nursing program. Ms. Young consistently maintains an excellent GPA. Ms. Young currently holds a 3.6 GPA, which is no small feat in nursing school. One of Ms. Young’s strengths are her organizational skills. She displays excellence with organizing her time, projects, assignments and care of patients. She demonstrates nursing clinical skills with ease, comfort and confidence. 

In class, Ms. Young is eager and ready to learn. She is diligent in her studies and focused on achieving her goals. In clinical practice, she demonstrates compassion for her patients and works well with hospital staff and other classmates to ensure proper care is given to the patients in her charge. Ms. Young is trustworthy, dependable and kind. Her ability to be professional while still maintaining a nurse-patient relationship far exceeds my expectation for a student nurse. She is a team player, always willing to help when she is needed. As a leader among her class, Ms. Young demonstrates the ability to be diplomatic in all situations. She is courageous, brave and fearless. I have no doubt that Ms. Young will advocate for her future patients. Ms. Rayjean Donice Young is a tremendous asset to the Visalia Adult School’s Vocational Nursing Program. May she may continue to reach for her goals. We need phenomenal future nurses, Ms. Young will be such a nurse. 

Instructor, Amanda Musto 

Visalia Adult School

Visalia Adult School is committed to providing a wide range of academic and career technical programs including High School Diploma, GED, Adult Basic Education, and English as a Second Language, Industrial Arts, Business and medical educational programs.  Visalia Adult School is full accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges and employs qualified state certificated instructors in all educational programs.  Adult education programs and classes are offered throughout the community of Visalia.

3110 East Houston Avenue, Visalia, CA 93292

Phone: 559-730-7646

See our website HERE for information on our programs and how to preregister

Changes Lives! 

We are Visalia Adult School

We educate Adults

We create futures



