Spring Membership Drive: January 22-26

The Spring Semester Membership Drive will run from January 22-26. 

Please click HERE to apply for CSF for the Spring '24 Semester. 

Please click HERE to be taken to the Ranger Webstore and submit your membership donation

Please remember that you apply for CSF with your Fall '23 Grades. For more information regarding application guidlines, read below.

If needed, you can always access and print this Membership Application Worksheet to keep track of your courses, input your grades, and calculate your point totals before transfering it to the official application below. This is not your application, but rather a resource for you to use before applying each semester. 

CSF Qualification Guidelines - Please read FULLY before applying 

To qualify for CSF membership this semester, follow these guidelines:

You must earn a MINIMUM of 10 points from LAST semester's grade

*The first 4 points MUST be from List I unless you are a senior applying in February or June

*The first 7 points (including the 4 points described above) MUST be from Lists I and II.

*The remaining points may come from any LIST (I, II, or III).

You may only use FIVE courses to qualify. Summer School NEVER counts (including classes taken at COS).

No CSF points are given for physical education, courses in lieu of physical education, subjects repeated to improve a grade, courses involving clerking and office/teaching assisting, courses taken on a pass/fail basis, nor any summer school classes. No points are granted to TA's or Academic Tutors.

CSF points are granted as follows:

a grade of an A = 3 CSF points   |   a grade of a B = 1 CSF point   |   a grade of a C = 0 CSF points

*A grade of a D or F in ANY course, even in one you cannot use to qualify, disqualifies you from membership at this time.

*ONE additional point shall be granted for a grade of an A or B in an AP, IB, or Honors course, up to maximum of TWO such points per semester. I.E - you can apply a point bump to TWO classes. There are NO additional points granted for college courses.

Also Remember:

1. Semester membership is based on work done in the PREVIOUS semester.

2. You must reapply each semester (membership drive will happen the third week of each semester).

3. Courses you may use to apply can be viewed below.

4. Please only fill out the courses you have, and leave the rest of the questions blank.

5. Please ensure that fill out the GRADE you got for each course and total your points for each list.

6. The final tally is ALL of your lists combined.