
Why a VU Mixed Classroom Educational Model?

There are several reasons why we need an educational model on the subject of the Mixed Classroom. First of all, as Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, we want students to acquire competences that will help them to navigate, understand and thrive in a world that is increasingly dynamic during and after their education, as academics, professionals and members of society.[1] Secondly, the Educational Model aligns student learning with the VU educational vision, which is centred around the values personal, open and responsible.

Personal refers to the appreciation of students’ (and teachers’) personal, unique identities, talents and contributions. Open expresses the value placed on diversity in the broadest sense, the recognition that the interaction of a wide range of people and perspectives strengthens learning processes. Responsible touches on the importance of societal responsibility, which involves individuals taking a stance with regard to societal challenges, while keeping an open mind for other perspectives.[2] Although most teachers will agree with these core values, the translation into concrete classroom practices can be a challenge. How do we create an atmosphere where students and teachers can bring their own identities into the classroom? How can we invite differences to the surface in safe ways? How do we go about exploring them? How do we debate academic values if emotions sometimes run so high that students—and teachers—stop listening to each other? The VU Mixed Classroom Educational Model offers strategies and learning activities to deal with these challenges.

[1] As stated in the policy paper “Bruto Academische Waarde in het onderwijs” 2017.

[2] Policy Paper “Toekomstbestendig Onderwijs, Instellingsplan VU 2020-2025” (under construction; 2019)