VU Mixed Classroom Educational Model

The VU Mixed Classroom Educational Model is an educational approach that builds upon differences to enrich the learning experience for all students present. The term Mixed Classroom hence is not used in a descriptive way (in reference to a classroom with a certain level of ‘diversity’), but is the name of our educational model, in which students learn how to open up to differences, to co-create an inclusive environment and to capitalize on different perspectives in order to create value. Capitalizing on differences does not entail compromising between different perspectives or merging them into one uniform perspective, instead, it uses the differences and possible tension between perspectives to stimulate critical thinking, develop analytical skills, and generate creative solutions.

The VU Mixed Classroom Educational Model is built on a three-phase process through which students learn how to capitalize on different perspectives, within the classroom. We distinguish between the following phases, taking place in the classroom:

Sensitizing students to their own frame of reference and the existing diversity in the classroom, and creating a safe learning environment to do so;

Engaging students to interact constructively with different perspectives present in the classroom

Optimizing every students’ learning process by capitalizing on different perspectives.