So this is the office of Professor Hutseephluts. Although it's dimly lit, as far as you can tell, it looks pretty much like any other researcher's office.

There is a large desk with a computer on it. Before the desk is an old swivel chair, sagging with cushions, where it looks like the Professor spends long hours. On one wall you see a noticeboard with papers pinned almost all over it and on another wall a large map. Next to the desk there's a waste paper bin almost overflowing with papers...nothing unusual there, and next to that a filing cabinet. A second chair sits in the corner of the room where a travelling bag and its contents seem to have been hastily emptied out.

Go to the desk

Take a look at the noticeboard

Check out the filing cabinet

Why is there a video camera on the chair in the corner?

What are these papers in the waste paper bin?

Look at the map on the wall

Open the door