
On the wall by Professor Hutseephluts' desk hangs a noticeboard. Papers are pinned all over it in a confusion of printouts, flyers, pictures, reminders, and souvenirs from travels around the world.

There is a calendar on which the Professor has circled several dates and post-it notes scribbled in frantic handwriting are stuck around it. The post-it notes seem to relate to the circled dates:

  • 6 July: meet PhD candidate, Bucharest.

  • 23 July: deadline funding proposal!!

  • 10 August: FAIR data training, Bratislava!

  • 14 September: make data interoperable for Marisel.

  • 31 October: deadline for submitting data management plan!!!

Among the pinned sheets of paper containing familiar-looking details of faculty events, travel itineries, book lists and photos, there is a postcard that seems to have been pinned on the board slightly apart from everything else, and a strange sheet of paper printed with, what looks like, random letters and numbers. Perhaps it is a code!

Look at the postcard

Read the flyers

Look at the coded sheet

Take a look around Professor Hutseephluts' office