There is a video camera lying on the chair in the corner of the room. It looks like it was recently taken out of the bag that's also on the chair. You've heard that the Professor had just returned from some travels.

You seem to remember that someone told you that the Professor's research involved filming interviews with people, and sometimes even leaving the camera running in case it caught any 'data' on camera. The Professor had a reputation for using up huge amounts of storage space for these films. You've heard the IT support team, and other researchers grumble about it, especially as none of these films have yet made it into research publications, but then perhaps they contained personal or sensitive data, or were just too big to publish.. Some of the films were made decades ago so nobody knew if the Professor was still planning on using them, or even if you could still open the files.

You pick up the camera and switch it on. Maybe there's a clue to the Professor's whereabouts...

Play the video that is on the camera

Press on some of the buttons to get to the menu

Take a look around Professor Hutseephluts' office

Photo by Dan-Cristian Pădureț on Unsplash