
VCRD's Community Visit program is a three-month series of public meetings that includes:

Wednesday,  July 10th

Westmore Community Church and Westmore Fellowship Hall

Community members share assets, challenges, and ideas in focus forums. 

Thursday,  August 1st


Community members prioritize action items and sign up for task forces.

Wednesday, August 28th

Task forces create action plans and work with a Resource Team to identify next steps.

Community Visit Day - Wed, July 10th, 4:30-8:30pm

On Community Visit Day, Westmore community members come together to discuss assets, challenges, and ideas for their future in 4 forums. Topics for discussion are chosen in advance by a Planning Committee of local leaders and include forums held at the Westmore Community Church and Fellowship Hall on Recreation & Natural Resources; Safety; Community Connections & Spaces; and Infrastructure: roads, internet, buildings, and more. A listening team of federal, state, business, nonprofit and philanthropic leaders join the forums and dinner. 

This session includes a free community dinner at the Fellowship Hall featuring live music. Childcare will be provided. Carpooling is encouraged - bring your neighbor! Transportation help is available by request, call Peggy Zimmer at 978-821-4835. Reasonable accommodations available by request before July 1st, email Find the Facebook event here

In addition to the forums, you can share ideas before and after through this form.

Community Meeting Day - Thurs,  August 1st, 6:30-9pm

On Community Meeting Day, Westmore community members come together to review, discuss, and vote to prioritize ideas for action shared in the first forums. Through dot-voting, participants will whittle down a list of action ideas to a few priorities and then sign up to join local task force groups that moves those priorities forward.

This session includes a free dinner and dessert, and childcare is provided. Carpooling is encouraged - bring your neighbor! Transportation help is available by request, call Peggy Zimmer at 978-821-4838. Reasonable accommodations available by request before July 22nd, email See the Facebook event here. 

Community Resource Meeting and Task Force Launch - Wed, Aug 28th,  6:30-9pm

On Community Resource Day Westmore community members come together for the final step in the process. New task force groups build action plans, set the scope of their work, and meet with a visiting team of resource providers and experts to identify available resources and funding opportunities. From here forward, all action is focused at the local task force level. You'll be able to join a Task Force!

This session includes a free community dinner and dessert, childcare provided. Carpooling is encouraged - bring your neighbor! Transportation help is available by request, call Peggy Zimmer at 978-821-4838. Reasonable accommodations available by request before August 16th, email See the Facebook event here.