Final Product

Final Product

The final product is finished as of May, 2024. We have designed a prototype through SOLIDWORKS, which should be a 1:1 replica of the final design. Our final product was   designed with SOLIDWORKS as well. We used 3D printing techniques to get the overall final physical model coated with gold nanoparticle metal.  

Once the initial design is laid out, we used signaling to receive data from the sensor. After this, we ran testing, using a sample of lactate serums. They are mixed with PBS serum for buffering. This was done through applying lactate serum onto the sensor, and running a chronoampemtry and cyclic voltometry test. Once we collected the data, we considered making further changes. The data can be found in the testing results section.

Overall, the product has high hopes, and we would like to thank our advisor, Dr.Ali, for all his help throughout the process.

Project progress

We have completed the design and submitted a report to the ASABE Gunslogson competition. We completed prototyping, 3-D printing, shadow-masking, and finally, testing. The test results were analyzed to understand sensitivity and error threshold.