Project Goals and Objectives



We want to create a biosensor that is high quality, not only in manufacturing, but in long term usage. This product is designed to be able to withstand the harsh environments of a mammal's body, while ensuring quality results at optimal times.


We understand that the product needs to be accesible, no matter the location, the user, and circumstance. We aim to create a product that can be used by local farmers to big, wholesale farms.


Your animals are just as important to us as they are to you. Our biosensor will be made with bio-adaptable materials, which are easy to extract and implant to your needs. 


Our product will be innovative and designed with specific modifications. This ensures that you will recieve a product to meet your specific demands as our customer. 

 Our main goals are listed below, but overall, the performance of our product holds high rank. Having a product with quality and reliable design is our end goal, and we want to give the consumers something they can use in the long term. This is considered in brainstorming, designing, and creating a final product. Our team has very creative ideas, and we believe the sensor will be of the best quality.