NIOSH-MSHRAC Emerging Technologies in Metals Mining

What is MSHRAC?

The Mine Safety and Health Research Advisory Committee shall advise the Secretary, HHS; the Director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); and the Director, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), CDC, on the conduct of mine health research, including making of grants and entering into contracts for such research (30 U.S.C. §812(b)(2), [Section 1 02(b )(2) of Public Law 91-173]). The committee shall also provide advice on the conduct of mine safety research. The committee shall evaluate the degree to which: 1) the mine research activities of NIOSH conform to those standards of scientific excellence appropriate to Federal scientific instructions in accomplishing objectives in mine safety and health; 2) the mine research activities, alone or in conjunction with other known activities inside and outside of NIOSH, address currently relevant needs in the field of mine safety and health; and 3) the research activities produce intended results in addressing important research questions in mine safety and health, both in terms of applicability of the research findings and translation of the findings.

Who are the workgroup members?

Kray Luxbacher, Virginia Tech, Chairperson

Ron Bowersox, United Mine Workers Association

Jeffrey Burgess, University of Arizona

Robin Burgess-Limerick, University of Queensland

Joel Haight, University of Pittsburgh

Stacy Kramer, Freeport McMoran

Bruce Watzman, National Mining Association

Mike Wright, United Steelworkers

Kyle Zimmer, International Union of Operating Engineers

How can I contribute information and priority items to the workgroup?

Email the workgroup chair directly: Kray Luxbacher (kraylux@vt.edu)

What is the timeline for this work?

Charge: May 2018

Formation and first meeting: June 2018

Workshop: September 2018

Draft Report: November 2018

Final Report: December 2018