Instructional Technology Student Association

Welcome to the Instructional Design & Technology web page!

As a graduate student in IDT (Masters or PhD), you are automatically a member of ITSA and the good news is there are no membership fees!

One of our many goals is to create opportunities for students to stay involved and connected outside the scope of class deadlines. In that regard, ITSA seeks to help us all find a much needed balance between social, scholarship and service activities. After all, we are graduate students and we know what it means to work hard, but we also need some down time!

We try to offer several different types of social, scholarship and service activities such as, a Welcome Back and End of Year social, a Student Mentor Program, and a Professional Development series where we have different guest speakers, among others. ITSA is YOUR student organization, so if you have any ideas or questions, please let us know!

In the meantime, keep checking the events page here and join ITSA listserv where you can keep informed of the dates for upcoming activities! Use the links below to explore different ways that ITSA communicates with you as a student!