Individualized Cybersecurity Research Mentoring (iMentor) Workshop

Keynote Speakers

Raheem Beyah

School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Georgia Tech

Keynote by Raheem Beyah


Raheem Beyah, a native of Atlanta, GA, serves as Georgia Tech's Vice President for Interdisciplinary Research, Executive Director of the Online Masters of Cybersecurity program (OMS Cybersecurity), and is the Motorola Foundation Professor in School of Electrical and Computer Engineering . He has held several other leadership roles including chairing ECE's Computer Systems and Software Technical Interest Group (2015 - 2017), serving as ECE's Associate Chair for Strategic Initiatives and Innovation (2016 - 2018), and serving as the Interim Steve W. Chaddick ECE School Chair during the 2018-2019 academic year. He leads the Communications Assurance and Performance Group (CAP) and is affiliated with the Institute for Information Security & Privacy (IISP) . He is also Co-Founder of Fortiphyd Logic , Inc.

Prior to returning to Georgia Tech, Dr. Beyah was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Georgia State University, a research faculty member with the Georgia Tech CSC, and a consultant in Andersen Consulting's (now Accenture) Network Solutions Group.

He received his Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from North Carolina A&T State University in 1998. He received his Masters and Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Georgia Tech in 1999 and 2003, respectively. Dr. Beyah has served as a Guest Editor for MONET, IEEE Network Magazine, IEEE Communications Magazine and as an Associate Editor of several journals in the field.

His research interests include Network security and monitoring, Cyber-physical Systems Security, Network traffic characterization and performance, and Critical infrastructure security. He received the National Science Foundation CAREER award in 2009 and was selected for DARPA's Computer Science Study Panel in 2010. He is a member of AAAS, ASEE, a lifetime member of NSBE, a senior member of IEEE, and an ACM Distinguished Scientist.

Cristina Cifuentes

Senior Director of Research & Development
Oracle Labs Australia

Keynote by Cristina Cifuentes


Cristina is the Director of Oracle Labs Australia and an Architect at Oracle. Headquartered in Brisbane, the Lab focuses on Program Analysis as it applies to finding vulnerabilities in software and enhancing the productivity of developers worldwide.

Prior to founding Oracle Labs Australia, Cristina was the Principal Investigator of the Parfait bug tracking project at Sun Microsystems, then Oracle. Today, Oracle Parfait has become the defacto tool used by thousands of Oracle developers for bug and vulnerability detection in real-world, commercially sized C/C++/Java applications. Parfait's success is founded on the pioneering work in advancing static program analysis techniques by Cristina’s team of Researchers and Engineers at Oracle Labs Australia.

Cristina’s passion for tackling the big issues in the field of Program Analysis began with her doctoral work in binary decompilation at Queensland’s University of Technology. In an interview with Richard Morris for Geek of the Week, Cristina talks about Parfait, Walkabout and her career journey in this field.

Before she joined Oracle and Sun Microsystems, Cristina held teaching posts at major Australian Universities, co-edited Going Digital, a landmark book on cybersecurity, and served on the executive committees of ACM SIGPLAN and IEEE Reverse Engineering.

Cristina continues to play an active role in the international programming language, compiler construction and software security communities. On the weekends, she channels her interests into mentoring young programmers through the CoderDojo network.

Bhavani Thuraisingham

Department of Computer Science
The University of Texas at Dallas

Keynote by Bhavani Thuraisingham


Dr. Bhavani Thuraisingham is the Louis A. Beecherl, Jr. Distinguished Professor of Computer Science and the Executive Director of the Cyber Security Research and Education Institute at the University of Texas at Dallas. She is also a visiting Senior Research Fellow at Kings College, University of London and a Fellow of the ACM, IEEE, and the AAAS. She has received several awards including the IEEE CS 1997 Technical Achievement Award, ACM SIGSAC 2010 Outstanding Contributions Award, and the ACM SACMAT 10 Year Test of Time Award. She has worked in industry (Honeywell), federal laboratory (MITRE), US government (NSF) and her work has resulted in 120 journal articles, 250 conference papers, 130 keynote and featured addresses, six US patents, fifteen books as well as technology transfer. She received her PhD from the University of Wales, Swansea, UK, and the prestigious earned higher doctorate (D. Eng) from the University of Bristol, UK.


Bhavani Thuraisingham

Department of Computer Science
The University of Texas at Dallas


Dr. Bhavani Thuraisingham is the Louis A. Beecherl, Jr. Distinguished Professor of Computer Science and the Executive Director of the Cyber Security Research and Education Institute at the University of Texas at Dallas. She is also a visiting Senior Research Fellow at Kings College, University of London and a Fellow of the ACM, IEEE, and the AAAS. She has received several awards including the IEEE CS 1997 Technical Achievement Award, ACM SIGSAC 2010 Outstanding Contributions Award, and the ACM SACMAT 10 Year Test of Time Award. She has worked in industry (Honeywell), federal laboratory (MITRE), US government (NSF) and her work has resulted in 120 journal articles, 250 conference papers, 130 keynote and featured addresses, six US patents, fifteen books as well as technology transfer. She received her PhD from the University of Wales, Swansea, UK, and the prestigious earned higher doctorate (D. Eng) from the University of Bristol, UK.

Indrakshi Ray

Department of Computer Science
Colorado State University


Indrakshi Ray is a Professor in the Computer Science Department at Colorado State University. She has also been a visiting faculty at Air Force Research Laboratory, Naval Research Laboratory, and at INRIA, Rocquencourt, France. Prior to joining Colorado State, she was a faculty at the University of Michigan-Dearborn. She obtained her Ph.D. from George Mason University under the joint supervision of Professor Sushil Jajodia and Professor Paul Ammann. Her Master's degree in Computer Science and Engineering is from Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India. Her Bachelor of Engineering degree in Computer Science and Technology is from B.E.College, Kolkata, India.

Dr. Ray's research interests include security and privacy, database systems, e-commerce and formal methods in software engineering. She has published over a hundred technical papers in refereed journals and conference proceedings. She is on the editorial board of Computer Standards and Interfaces. She has been a guest editor of ACM Transactions of Information Systems Security and Journal of Digital Library. She has served in various capacities for journals and conferences. She was the Program Chair of ACM SACMAT 2006, Program Co-Chair for CSS 2013, ICISS 2013, IFIP DBSec 2003, and General Chair of SACMAT 2008. She has served on the program committees of various conferences including ACM SACMAT, DBSec, EDBT, ESORICS, and ICDE. She is a senior member of the IEEE and a senior member of ACM.

Yuan Tian

Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science
University of Virginia


Dr. Tian is an Assistant Professor at University of Virginia. Her research focuses on developing novel technologies for the security, privacy, and safety of modern and emerging systems. She analyzes and models systems, drawing on program analysis, protocol analysis, machine learning, and human factors to understand the risks and develop systems that are secure and privacy-preserving.

Dr. Tian's work has been published in top-tier security conferences (such as Oakland, CCS, Usenix Security, and NDSS), and her work has generated real-world impact as countermeasures and design changes directly resulting from her research have been integrated into platforms (such as Android, Chrome, Firefox, and iOS).

Before joining UVa, she was a Ph.D. student at Carnegie Mellon University advised by Professor Patrick Tague. She interned at Microsoft Research (with Dr. Cormac Herley and Dr. Stuart Schechter), Facebook (with Security Infrastructure team), and Samsung Research (with Dr. Peng Ning).

Celine Irvene

Graduate Research Assistant
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Georgia Tech


Celine Irvene is currently a PhD student at the Georgia Institute of Technology . Go Jackets! Her technical interests include software engineering, CPS security, and machine learning. She enjoys traveling, shopping, playing basketball, and learning new things.

Kevin Alejandro Roundy

NortonLifeLock Research Group


Dr. Kevin Roundy joined the research group after receiving his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin in 2012.

As a graduate student, he developed tools by which obfuscated malware could be analyzed both with detailed static analysis techniques and dynamic instrumentation. Kevin has collaboratively developed broadly deployed threat-detection tools.

He has also worked in Endpoint Detection and Response on risk modeling. Additional areas of current interest include human-centric security and privacy paradigms. During his time with the company, Kevin has authored several research publications and patents. Kevin has a background in Machine Learning and Database systems, and did his undergraduate work at Brigham Young University.