Asian Hate at Institutions of Higher Education

CONTEmporary Issue

Hate crimes against Asian Americans rose 76% in 2020 according to a recently released report from the FBI (Barr, 2021) due to the global pandemic. Asian American college students are rising up to combat racism both on campus and in the community at large. They demand anti-Asian sentiments be acknowledged and addressed (Diep, 2021). Furthermore, Asian American student activists are calling for the creation of Asian cultural centers to begin enacting change towards equity on college and university campuses (Diep, 2021).

This asynchronous learning activity aims to provide an overview of racism against Asian Americans in the United States including at colleges and universities and the history of Asian American student activism up to the present day.

First, we have to understand what makes up the diverse group collectively known as Asian American Pacific Islanders.

Photo Source: Chronicle of Higher Education

Who are APIs? Click to watch a short video that aims to explain what being Asian Pacific Islanders means.

Learning outcomes

After completing this activity, you will be able to:

  • recognize the Model Minority Myth.

  • name at least one historically significant incident of racism against Asian Americans.

  • name how Virginia Tech has reacted to various acts of racism against Asian Americans.

Let's begin the journey by understanding the Model Minority Myth.