
Teaching Statement

I believe that there are three related, but still independent levels of learning that I, as an instructor, aim to achieve. The first is in-classroom learning where the instructor engages the student and makes sure the student is able to follow. This is achieved by maintaining a welcoming atmosphere and encouraging interaction. The second stage is outside the classroom where the student sees immediate application of the material they learned. This application could be something concrete in the real-world or it could be their homeworks and tests. I strive to achieve this by providing memorable examples, tackling misconceptions and holding office hours. The third level of learning occurs in the long-term. Here, one expects the student to retain some of the basic ideas of what they learned, but more importantly, the instructor instills confidence that allows for self-learning and lessens the fear of math in the future. I strive for this but am yet to know how I can achieve it. In short, I want my teaching to be interactive, engaging and memorable. And of course, fun :)

Teaching Experience