
PResentations from the june 2023 Meeting of the forest roundtable


Forest Indicators Dashboard - Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative

A presentation from the Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative on how to access information on the state of Vermont's forest ecosystems via the Forest Indicators Dashboard. This was presented as part of the topic Understanding the Baseline Status of Forests/Biodiversity – Tools and Programs to Measure Trends. 


Forests of Vermont: Status & Trends from Forest Inventory & Analysis Program - U.S. Forest Service 

A presentation from the Forest Inventory and Analysis Program that provided an overview of the status and trends in Vermont's forests, including threats and benefits. This was presented as part of the topic Understanding the Baseline Status of Forests/Biodiversity – Tools and Programs to Measure Trends. 


Vermont Atlas of Life - Vermont Center for Ecostudies

A presentation from the Vermont Center for Ecostudies on their digital tool, the Vermont Atlas of Life (VAL), including a 10-year outlook report on the Atlas. This was presented as part of the topic Understanding the Baseline Status of Forests/Biodiversity – Tools and Programs to Measure Trends. 

Forest Roundtable Parcelization .pdf

Vermont Parcelization Website - Vermont Natural Resources Council  

A presentation from the Vermont Natural Resources Council on land use trends that are available at the Vermont Parcelization Website. This was presented as part of the topic Understanding the Baseline Status of Forests/Biodiversity – Tools and Programs to Measure Trends.