Teacher Bio

First off, welcome to 6th grade STEM at Vista Innovation & Design Academy! It's going to be an awesome year and I look forward to growing with you & our VIDA community. "Education is the most important gift you can give yourself. No one can make you learn only you can make that happen." That being said, I need the help of our entire learning community to ensure our Sharks receive the best education possible. Please be positive while encouraging your student to work hard, ask questions, and practice.

About me...I was born and raised in Freeport, IL

Home of the Pretzels!

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I moved out to Southern California in 2005, and I don't think I could ever survive another one of those Midwest winters. My wife (Tiffany), son (Bronsen), chocolate lab (Fergus), and I live in Vista and I'm extremely excited about living and working in the same community. After school hours we enjoy all types of outdoor activities including; the beach, sports, park, hiking, bike rides, zoo/safari park, yard work, and much more!