Mission, Values, and Roles

Mission Statement

Personalized learning through project-based curriculum and authentic learning opportunities in the classroom and in the community.


We value...

Supporting growth-oriented learners who practice the values of compassion, generosity and integrity through volunteerism, outdoor projects and community-centered activities.

Local roots, global knowledge

Trillium takes learning outside of the traditional classroom, emphasizing connections to and within our community as well as encouraging a wider perspective through peer connections in other communities.

Self-Directed, engaged learning

Students follow their own interests and passions as a gateway to deeper learning. Accountability, goal-setting, planning and taking responsibility are practiced in each project.

Life skills learned by hand

Students learn about modern life through activities like participating in democracy, debating ideas, developing discussion skills and managing money in a challenging and supportive environment.

Roles within the Community

Student’s Role: In the project-based learning atmosphere students make many of their own decisions about their learning, beginning the year with teacher-guided projects and moving toward student-led projects. Students engage with the core standards in English Language Arts, Science, Social Studies and Math. Effective communication, organization, exploration and reflection are emphasized.

Teacher’s Role: In the project-based classroom the teacher serves as a guide. This role includes advising personal learning plans, facilitating group and individual lessons and modeling reflective practices. The teacher finds creative and engaging ways to deliver curriculum and maintains communication with families.

Family’s Role: Families engage in conversations at home about learning and project ideas. They attend school-based events, including student-led conferences, and project showcases. Families support students to meet project goals and deadlines, often around the idea of time management.