
Jan 2020: I had an amazing visit in the Natural History Museum Vienna. Lots of rare rove beetles and great progress for my morphological research.

Sep 2019: Welcome back, Poland. Today I moved to Gdańsk for the second phase of my project.

Aug 2019: Time to say good bye to Ames :( It was one of the most amazing years in my life. I learnt so much and I am deeply grateful for this opportunity.

Jul 2019: My first visit ever to AMNH in New York City. Impressive museum and collection. I had a chance to meet the best Paederinae specialist, Dr. L. Herman and study also the fossil collection.

Jun 2019: It was a really busy month. First, I attended the Midwest Phylogeny Workshop in beautiful Itasca Biological Station. Next, I went to Evolution Meeting in Providence, RI to present the first results of my project. It was a fruitful meeting, as always, and my talk was received very well. Last, I visited the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard University. Lots of rove beetles there.

Apr 2019: Just came back from Santo Domingo (DR) where I participated in the Fossils x3 conference. I gave a talk on my project with a special emphasize on fossil data.

Mar 2019: Visiting Smithsonian Institute is a big deal. One of the most important type collections for Paederinae and huge fossil collection.

Feb 2019: Amazing collection at KU Biodiversity Institute. It was really informative visit and brought a lot of data.

Sep 2018: Hello Iowa. I am very excited to start the first part of my Marie Skłodowska-Curie postdoctoral project at Iowa State University. I have just settled down in Ames and everything is looking great. People are very helpful and all the practicalities went well.