Grand Prize

Anna Kańtoch

Born in 1976. Graduated in Oriental Studies (specialization: Arabic Studies) at the Jagiellonian University. After graduation, she returned to Katowice, where she currently works in a travel agency. He belongs to Śląski Klub Fantastyki (Silesian Fantasy Club).

She debuted in April 2004 with the story "Diabeł na wieży" published in the journal ‘Science Fiction’. She wrote reviews of films and books for the online magazine 'Avatarae', where a sequel to 'Diabeł na wieży' - 'Czarna Saissa' was also published. Today she writes for the magazine ‘Esensja’. In July 2005, a collection of short stories "Diabeł na wieży" was published, linked by the character of the protagonist, Domenico Jordan, published by the Fabryka Słów publishing house. Her book debut was the novel „Miasto w zieleni i błękicie”, set in the same world as the stories about Domenic Jordan.

At Eurocon 2007, she received the European Science Fiction Association (ESFS) Award for the most promising young artist – the Encouragement Award.

In 2009, she won the Janusz A. Zajdel Award for the short story "Światy Dantego" published in 2008. In 2010, she was honored with this Award for the novel "Przedksiężycowi".




Czarne is a summer resort where the family of the book's heroine spends their holidays. The story, intertwined with the dramatic fate of the beautiful actress Jadwiga Rathe - the muse of the narrator's father, takes place in the summer months of 1893, 1914 and 1935. Warsaw cafes, meetings at the Spiritual Society, the lazy atmosphere of afternoon tea in the old manor and the awakening eroticism of a teenager create a unique atmosphere of the novel. The reader slowly discovers what the narrator's memories really are and what the secret is hidden in 1863, the year of the Uprising.

(Source: lubimyczytac.pl)


Gold Distinction

Łukasz Orbitowski

Born in 1977. A graduate of philosophy at the Jagiellonian University. His debut in speculative fiction was the short story "Diabeł na Jabol Hill", published in the first issue of the Science Fiction monthly. He published short stories in the magazines 'Science Fiction', 'Nowa Fantastyka', 'Sfera', 'Ubik'. His short story "Władca Deszczu" was included in the PL + 50 anthology, edited by Jacek Dukaj.

Ten of his books have been published so far, incl. "Złe Wybrzeża" (1999), "Szeroki, głęboki, wymalować wszystko" (2002), "Wigilijne psy" (2005), "Horror show" (2006), "Pies i klecha" (together with Jarosław Urbaniuk, 2007 and 2008). He was awarded the Krakow Book of the Month Prize and was nominated for the Janusz A. Zajdel Award. He is a co-creator of the role-playing game "Bakemono".

In the years 2006-2008 he collaborated with 'Przekrój', since July 2010 he has been a columnist for this weekly.




An alternative history of the Columbus generation with Krzysztof Kamil Baczyński in the lead role.

The Warsaw Uprising did not take place. In mysterious circumstances, the weapon fails to fire. The Columbuses are going through the war. Krzysztof Kamil Baczyński and his wife Basia are struggling with the reality of the People's Republic of Poland. The poet, tormented by dreams and nightmares, begins to write a book in the socialist realist spirit.

At the same time, we follow the fate of two friends: the zealous militiaman Wiktor, who investigates the matter of the First Day Miracle – as the event on August 1, 1944 is called - and the political prisoner Janek.

Who among the would-be insurgents will be the executioner and who will be the victim? Will it be possible to attack Bolesław Bierut? How to save Poland? The fate of the country can only be changed by a mysterious box that has already once turned the tide of history.

(Source: lubimyczytac.pl)


Silver Distinction

Robert M. Wegner

He made his debut in 2002 with the short story "Ostatni lot Nocnego Kowboja", published in the monthly ‘Science Fiction’. His book debut was the collection published in 2009 "Opowieści z Meekhańskiego pogranicza. Północ – Południe", the continuation of which was the 2010 collection "Opowieści z meekhańskiego pogranicza. Wschód – Zachód". In 2012, the first novel was published set in the previously outlined reality of Meekhan, entitled "Niebo ze stali". All these books were published by the Powergraph publishing house. He publishes under a pseudonym.

Laureate of the Janusz A. Zajdel Award for the short story "Wszyscy jesteśmy Meekhańczykami", included in the collection "Opowieści z meekhańskiego pogranicza. Północ – Południe" and the Sphinx Award for the short story "Najlepsze, jakie można kupić" from the collection "Opowieści z meekhańskiego pogranicza. Wschód – Zachód". In 2013, as the second writer in history, he won the Janusz A. Zajdel Award in both categories – for the best short story for "Jeszcze jeden bohater" and for the best novel for "Niebo ze stali", which was also awarded the Sphinx for the best Polish novel of 2012.


Niebo ze stali

(Heaven of steel)

The wagons of the once exiled nomads stand at the foot of the mountains that separate them from their longed-for freedom. The fates of the Sixth Mountain Guard Company, free chaardan girls, and a little girl from the Verdanno family begin to intertwine. Before the sun rises in the steel-colored sky, the highlands run with blood.

Heaven of steel. Stories from the Meekhan Borderlands is an epic epic novel from the world of many nations, languages, beliefs and exotic cultures. The fate of the heroes can squeeze a tear from the eye of the toughest guys, and the pen of Robert M. Wegner makes the reader love and hate with them. And with them, he faces destiny.

(Source: lubimyczytac.pl)