Grand Prize

Michał Protasiuk

Born in 1978. He says about himself: I was born in Bydgoszcz, I spent my childhood in Siedlce, I live and work in Poznań. I am a marketing researcher who prefers a quantitative view of reality. I am interested in statistics and data analysis methods. I observe the changes of the contemporary world with fascination. I read the books of Dostoyevsky and Lem with equal fascination. I am inspired by both Dukaj and Houellebecq, Gibson and Pynchon. I like listening to alternative rock. I'd like to have a beer with Kim Gordon. In my free time, I go to the mountains or visit the former republics of the USSR.




Close future. The world of white collars and dirty money, top-level business and dark secrets. For Maciej, working at InnCrop this world is a chance to bounce off the bottom. He is contacted by a former employee who believes in conspiracy theories. Soon, Maciej will put everything he believes at stake to learn the secret of the Structure. What is it? An artifact left by the aliens? A computer program that has become conscious? An urban legend? Or maybe a little bit of everything?

(Publisher's note)


Gold Distinction

Anna Kańtoch

She graduated in oriental studies (specialization: Arabic studies) at the Jagiellonian University. After graduation, she returned to Katowice, where she currently works in a travel agency. He belongs to the Silesian Fantasy Club (Śląski Klub Fantastyki).

She debuted in April 2004 with the story "Diabeł na wieży", published in the journal ‘Science Fiction’. She wrote reviews of films and books for the online magazine ‘Avatarae’ (which published a story that was a continuation of "Diabeł na wieży" - "Czarna Saissa"), today she writes for the magazine ‘Esensja’. In July 2005, a collection of short stories "Diabeł na wieży" about their hero, Domenic Jordan, was published by the Fabryka Słów publishing house. Her book debut was the novel "Miasto w zieleni i błękicie", set in the same world as the stories about Domenic Jordan.

At Eurocon 2007, she won the European Science Fiction Association (ESFS) Award for the most promising young artist - the Encouragement Award.

In 2009, she was honored with the Janusz A. Zajdel Award for the short story "Światy Dantego" published in 2008. In 2010, she was won this award for the novel "Przedksiężycowi".


Przedksiężycowi (vol. 1)

Your will be done, O Przedksiężycowi!

Lunapolis. A city in the clutches of an art cult. Here, even murderers strive for perfection. And they are art-criminals.

Children are ordered from soul-engineers. In competing corporations. Adult talentless individuals are wiped out in the blink of an eye to rot as human waste in the smelly, decaying worlds of the past. Only the most perfect will be awakened, because this is what the Przedksiężycowi want.

– Unfair nasty motherfuckers! – blasphemous novice artist.

As it turns out, this young painter is not alone in his rebellion.

In addition, time is running out and the world is falling apart and rusting.

(Publisher's note)


Silver Distinction

Łukasz Orbitowski

Born in 1977. He graduated in philosophy from the Jagiellonian University. His debut in fantasy was the short story "Diabeł na Jabol Hill", published in the first issue of the ‘Science Fiction’ monthly. He published short stories in the magazines 'Science Fiction', 'Nowa Fantastyka', 'Sfera', 'Ubik'. His short story "Władca deszczu" was included in the PL+50 anthology, edited by Jacek Dukaj.

Ten of his books have been published so far, incl. "Złe wybrzeża" (1999), "Szeroki, głęboki, wymalować wszystko" (2002), "Wigilijne psy" (2005), "Horror Show" (2006), "Pies i klecha" (together with Jarosław Urbaniuk, 2007 and 2008 ). He was awarded the Krakow Book of the Month Prize and was nominated for the J. Zajdel Award.

In the years 2006-2008 he collaborated with 'Przekrój', since July 2010 he has been a columnist for this weekly. He is also a co-creator of the role-playing game Bakemono.


Święty Wrocław

(Holy Wrocław)

The eulogist of housing estates returns to his roots. This time, there were no devils or ghosts in the blocks, but the second housing estate. The captivated residents abandon their current lives to devote themselves to the demolition of their own apartments – a hot, black surface is hidden under the large slab. With each passing day, more and more people disappear in this unusual housing estate, spectators, followers and researchers multiply, and the administration and media are getting mad.

Święty Wrocław is a horror-ballad about the Poland of prophets, pilgrims and madmen, about the city of first loves, about the spring of nine miracles, about the impending catastrophe.

Saint Wrocław, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us...

(Publisher's note)


Special Prize

Jacek Dukaj

Born in 1974. He studied philosophy at the Jagiellonian University. He made his debut with the short story "Złota galera", published in February 1990 in the monthly ‘Fantastyka’, written when he was 16 years old. His next stories were published in the literary magazine 'Fenix' and 'Nowa Fantastyka'. In 1997, Dukaj's book debut, "Xavras Wyżryn", was published.

Dukaj's journalistic texts and reviews have been published in 'Nowa Fantastyka', 'SFinks', 'Miesięcznik', 'Framzeta', 'Fantom', 'Feniks' 'Science Fiction', 'Super Fantastyka Powieść', 'Czas Fantastyki'.

Dukaj's stories have been translated into English, German, Russian, Czech and Hungarian. "Złota Galera" was published in English in the anthology The Dedalus Book of Polish Fantasy, translated by Wieśka Powaga. "Ruch generała" and parts of the "Katedra" were translated into English by Michael Kandel, but so far they have not been published, except for the fragments available on the Internet.

On December 6, 2007 another novel by Jacek Dukaj was published - "Lód", Book of the Year 2007 in the competition of Wirtualna Polska, Book in Autumn 2007 at PPNW, nominated for Angelus, Józef Mackiewicz Award and the 2008 NIKE Literary Award.

In March 2008, Wydawnictwo Literackie published the reissue of the short story collection "W kraju niewiernych" in a new layout, in May - "Inne pieśni", in October - "Czarne oceany".

In November 2009, the novel "Wroniec" was published, the background of which is the martial law of 1981.



"Wroniec" is a magical fairy tale about the December night of 1981. A dream full of adventures, language games and phantasmagoria about a lost childhood, a hazy youth.

For children of the Martial Law and for children who cannot remember Martial Law – a magical fairy tale about the December night, when Wroniec kidnapped little Adam's family from home.

As Alicja wandered through Wonderland, so we do will travel with Adaś through the city of the black dream of the Polish People's Republic, between the fantastic figures of Spitz, Militia, Oppositionists, Tanks and ZOMO.

The book is colorfully illustrated by Jakub Jabłoński, the author of the graphic design of Tomek Bagiński's Kinematograf and Hardkor 44.

The novel was nominated for the Polish Fandom Award Janusz A. Zajdel for 2009.

(Publisher's note)