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Zugo Bike is the leader in adventure e-bikes, fat tire e-bikes, commuter e-bikes, urban e-bikes, step-through e-bikes, and high speed e-bikes. Our blog contains guides and articles on all things electric bikes. If you would like to shop the Zugo store, click below.


What exactly is an electric bike or e-bike? An e-bike is partially powered by an electric motor. But there’s a lot more to the e-bike than that simple definition. These electric bicycles are far different from regular bikes or nonelectric bikes. Aside from being electrically powered and offering torque sensors and a pedal assist mode, there’s also varying power output and a different riding experience altogether.

ZuGo Rhino is an electric bike that can tackle any type of road or trail. The powerful motor and large tires make it easy to ride on any surface, whether it be sand, snow, or mud. With a top speed of 28 mph, ZuGo Rhino is perfect for getting around town or exploring the great outdoors. The battery lasts for up to 80 miles on a single charge, making it a great option for those looking for an eco-friendly mode of transportation.

ZuGo Rhino is an electric bike that can tackle any terrain. With its fat tires, it can go places other bikes can't. And with its powerful motor, it can get you up to speed quickly. Whether you're looking for a leisurely ride or an adventure, the ZuGo Rhino is the perfect bike for you. Its high-quality components and low price point make it a great value. Riding this bike is like riding a regular bike, except that when you pedal, the motor will kick in and give you some extra power to help you get going.

Check out our store for more details on their electric power and contact 1-888-375-0041 about the shipping process.

Contact Details

ZuGo Bike

300 S Lamar, Suite L, Austin, Texas 78704, United States

Phone: +1 888-375-0041

If you are considering purchasing a bicycle, you might want to take into consideration the possibility of obtaining an electric bike. Electric bicycles are the same as normal bikes except instead of being powered by the rider; it's powered by a small sized motor. According to a Pedego electric bike enthusiast, there are several advantages to owning one, including being environmentally friendly as well as being beneficial for your health.

The feeling of riding a bicycle, the wind blowing through your hair, the pedaling of your feet is something many people enjoy. But sometimes it takes too much energy to ride your bike especially if you are planning on going somewhere that's far.



Advantages of Owning an Electric Bicycle

A powered electric bike is a surefire way to manipulate the streets of your city or town. If traffic starts to pick up you can swerve around those traffic jams with half the effort necessary with a conventional bike. Also, an electric bicycle can have your errands done in half the time and costing you less. You don't have to have a license either, so those young and old can utilize an electric bicycle. Say goodbye to air pollution as well, since these bikes emit no fumes for you or others to choke on.

Electric Bicycle for Workers

Imagine showing up to work feeling great, invigorated, and energized. The whole day will feel that much lighter as you stimulated your main muscle group all the way to work. Plus, you don't have to worry about your back being all sweaty from those 2 hills that you have to face on the way there. The extra speed granted from an electric bicycle will chill you off even further thanks to the wind in your face.

Electric Bikes +1 888-375-0041

Electric bikes use an electric motor which helps in making the motor run. These bikes use rechargeable batteries that can help your bike travel for up to 20 miles. Nowadays, they are becoming quite popular which is why they are replacing the old bikes. They help in protecting the environment as well. This is one of the reasons ­why these bikes are known world over as safe bikes. These bikes do not require any kind of paperwork including license or insurance.

There are a number of benefits of using these bike. The first advantage is the fact that it makes climbing hills the easiest task, especially if you apply the right kind of force. Besides this, they do not give out harmful carbon emissions and do not use fuel to run. These bikes travel faster, which is why you are able to cover longer distances in short periods of time. Lastly you will never feel tired traveling on an electric bike.

There isn't one best electric bike for everyone, but there surely is one that has features that are perfect for you. These are what you need to look for if you want to buy one. Before you head out to shop, you need to know how you'll use it. Think about your lifestyle, your daily transportation needs, your budget, and many other things. An electric bike can be your exercise companion, your regular means of transportation, or your stress-buster. It can even be all these things. To help you decide on buying the bike that's ideal for you, here are some considerations you should do.

Of course, you need to think about your budget. But you need to remember that when buying a bike or any other vehicle, you need to consider not just the cost of the vehicle itself, but also your expenses on the use and maintenance of the bike and its parts, especially the battery. This is why you shouldn't just rely on looking at the lowest-priced electric bikes, but also the durable ones.


The usage of electric bikes is much high as compared to traditional bikes. It is because the latter involve such a huge expenditure of energy, that no one prefers using them frequently. Their use is restricted to just a single time in a week. On the other electric bikes are used once in a day.

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Electric bikes are the need of the day. It is because unlike conventional bikes, they do not involve any sweating of the driver. This makes them ideal for driving to work. When you do not have the facilities of showers in the offices, you cannot risk entering the office with a bad odor of your own sweat. In addition, electric bike can ensure that you get an opportunity to exercise. It can be done by shutting off the motor when you desire some exercise.


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That may sound obvious, but it's the primary advantage. A good electric bike effectively flattens hills, increasing your average speed and eliminating the 'groan' factor when a gradient comes into view. Provided you supply a reasonable amount of effort, you can expect to climb hills of 1 in 10 (10%) on an electric bike with ease, and clear a maximum gradient of 1 in 7 (14%), or much more. In hilly country, the effect is nothing short of miraculous.


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