
ZuGo Bike makes durable electric bicycles with long lasting batteries which handle all types of terrain.

Electric Fat Bike

Introducing ZuGo Rhino, our performance electric fat bike featuring pedal assist, rear motor, thumb throttle, a fat tire suspension fork, Shimano parts, and an affordable price range.

Many bike experts and outdoor cycling enthusiasts in the USA have switched over to fat bike tires in recent years. Fat bike wheels and tires grip sand, dirt, and snow providing a smoother ride on unstable terrain then standard mountain bikes. ZuGo Rhino is powered with a rechargeable electric battery, 750W hub motor and quality constructed bike components to handle the demand produced from riding on rougher roads.

ZuGo Bike currently offers a choice of two bicycle frames. A step thru and step over design both providing comfort and optimal performance for outdoor adventurers. If you're accustomed to riding a distance further than 30 miles while riding, our 21AH long range battery upgrade is the better choice from our standard 15AH rechargeable electric battery.


best ebikes

Just like non-powered bikes, ebikes come in a wide array of shapes, sizes and styles. You can find street bikes, mountain bikes and all kinds of frames all fitted out for extended range and power with an electric motor system, but when it comes to leisurely errands around town, nothing is as comfortable and effective as a cruiser. Cruiser frames are sometimes also referred to as European style bikes as they are very popular in the streets of many countries in Europe as a primary mode of transportation. They are very solid and can carry a lot of weight, all while allowing the rider to sit at a comfortable upright angle, much the same as driving a car.

Electric motor assisted cruiser bikes, or ebikes, are available from a wide array of brands and like all ebikes, each model comes with some slightly different features. That said, most of these cruiser ebikes tend to have speeds of up to fifteen miles an hour when running on full electric power with no pedal assist; certainly more than fast enough to get you to and from the grocery store or the post office. Most current batteries will get you up to about twenty five miles per charge, and some ebikes have the ability to carry multiple batteries so you can swap them out mid-trip and extend your range before charging them up. These high capacity batteries usually charge in four to six hours, and can be charged either with the use of a special battery charger or by plugging your bike directly into the power outlet in your wall.

Electric cruiser bikes have several different modes that they can be operated in. There is fully powered mode, where you do not pedal at all and the bike's electric motor does all the heavy lifting. This is easy on the legs but rather harder on the battery.

Pre-made cruiser style ebikes come mostly or completely assembles already as opposed to their conversion kit cousins, meaning the buyer will not have to work hard to get on the road. They are easy to operate and maintain, and do not require any sort of special license to drive them. They also provide a very smooth, comfortable ride. All in all, if you are considering an ebike as your in town errand running, grocery getting, leisurely commuter, a cruiser style frame is a good way to go.


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When considering buying a motorized vehicle for use around town, most people stick to looking at cars or motorcycles, but there are some other choices you may not have considered. For instance, an electric scooter can bridge the gap between bike and motorcycle by providing you with a simple to use, easy and cheap to fuel vehicle that gets you from place to place as fast as you need to go. Unlike as with a traditional bicycle, an electric scooter does not require pedaling and can reach speeds of up to 20 miles per hour, but it does not require you to get a motorcycle license to operate it, either.

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An ebike scooter is very cheap to buy and operate. Because it runs on an electric battery, the only fuel you need to put into it comes out of your electric bill, and that is not much at all. Usually, it comes out to around ten cents for a 25 mile charge, as opposed to gas, which can cost up to thirty or forty times that price.

Ebike scooters are environmentally friendly as well, since they do not produce any harmful exhaust as they operate. Ebikes do use high capacity batteries though, which must be disposed of correctly. Fortunately, these high capacity batteries also last a very long time so this does not come up often.

Motor scooters can be operated by anyone who can ride a bike and they do not require a special license to drive them. Of course, children should probably not be using a motor scooter, but they make great substitutes for bikes on longer errands like getting groceries or commuting to and from work across town.

These motor scooter ebikes do not need pedaling, although it is an option on many of them. Most scooter types were designed to let the rider sit down and enjoy the ride. This way, you can get to where you are going without getting out of breath, and the electric powered motor can reach speeds a person would have to work very hard to attain.

ZuGo Bike - 1 888-375-0041

While not technically an e-bike per se, electric scooters have seen a dramatic rise in popularity in recent years. They are a great way to get around town if you are not in a hurry, although with speeds reaching up to 15 or even 20 miles per hour in some, it can be useful even if you are in a hurry, too! Ebike electric scooters are safe, with no explosive, flammable fuels to fill them with, and no hot parts to burn your self on. They are quiet, self contained and easy to operate and maintain.

Electric scooters are great for running errands or going grocery shopping, or for younger riders, they make for an excellent way to get the kids off the computer and outside. When used with proper protection, i.e. a helmet and maybe kneepads depending on how coordinated the rider may be, they are also quite safe; just as safe as any normal scooter, bike or ebike.

You do not need any sort of a special license to ride or operate an electric scooter, just hop on and go. They also do not cost much to fuel, as unlike gas powered motor vehicles, you do not need to pay a ridiculously high price for a gallon or two of liquid.

These electric scooters typically get around forty five minutes to an hour on a charge, and while that may not seem like a whole lot of driving time, remember that if you are using one to get groceries or run errands you will likely not be going very far at a time, and you can break up your riding time over the course of the day. They are so safe you can even send your kids over to a friends house without having to drive them yourself, provided their destination is within ordinary biking distance. You probably would not want to be on main roads with one of these, but if you stick to the neighborhood streets, you will likely be fine.

Just as with ebikes, there are many models of electric scooters available on the market. Some are designed specifically for kids like the small scale fully working vespa style models, some are for sport use like the flat board razor scooters, and some are great for running errands, like the motorized tricycles with a large basket in back- perfect for hauling lots of heavy groceries without risking a balance problem. There are even novelty models on the market, for example a 'rolling cooler' that gets up to fifteen miles an hour and can carry up to two hundred twenty pounds of combined beer and human cargo. These scooters are a great way to get around town for fun or work, and come in models appropriate for all ages and purposes.

With the current conditions in our economy and the price of a gallon of gas, everyone is finding the need to tighten their belts.

Electric bicycles may have an edge over scooters in terms of where they can go. The rider of a full-size electric scooter is usually limited to the same streets used by cars and trucks, which also carries rider safety implications. Electric bicycles can travel not only on city streets, but also on sidewalks, bicycle trails, and dedicated bike lanes.

ZuGo Bike - 1 888-375-0041 Guide KWs

Most people who use bicycles as forms of transportation do not have the stamina to travel long distances with heavy loads. A motorized bicycle may be the answer. The electric version has a motor with a rechargeable battery and is legal to travel on most roads. Sidewalks are unsafe for bicycles as motorists are not looking for them at intersections and may not see the cyclist until it is too late to avoid a crash.

E-bikes as they are also called only assist the cyclist and may improve the speed of someone who averages 10 mph by 5 to 10 miles per hour. Unlike a moped, the legal maximum speed of an e-bike is 20 miles per hour. The legal speed of a moped is 30 miles per hour. An e-bike works best when the cyclist pedals and is not designed to act as a motorcycle. The battery has a recharge time of several hours and a normal range of about 10 miles depending on conditions such as power of the battery, wind speed and terrain. A factor to consider may be the size and weight of the battery. A car battery on a trailer attached to the bicycle may give more power but the extra weight may not be worth the extra power it provides or the extra expense.

Some practical uses of an electric bike include running errands and a stress-free ride to work. Most errands can be completed in a short amount of time and a trailer can be attached which could provide storage for parcels, bags of groceries and packages. Those who have a short distance to drive to work may appreciate avoiding traffic jams to get to work in a shorter amount of time.

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There are a multitude of models of electric bicycles. Some of the newer models conceal the motor and battery in the frame of the bicycle proving once again that smaller can be better. In the case of the e-bike, smaller may also be lighter and more efficient. Some motor and battery packs can be bought and installed at home with only the instructions and the ability to turn a wrench. These kits start at around $500. Others called "purpose-built" require special installation and are generally more expensive. The cost saving can be tremendous over time no matter what version is chosen.

Rising gasoline prices and concern about the environmental impact of auto emissions have spiked interest in "greener," less-costly forms of transportation. Over the years, light electric vehicles, such as electricity-driven bicycles and scooters, have proliferated. The varieties of electric bicycles and scooters may cause some people who are interested in such a vehicle to stop and wonder which type is best suited to their needs and lifestyle.

Electric scooters range in size and features from models with bicycle-like frames to larger models that closely resemble the popular gasoline-powered motor scooters. Many electric scooters, however, are heavier than many electric bicycles that have the same range and speed. Many ebikes reach speeds of 20 mph and have ranges as high as 50 miles before requiring a recharge.


Some people may prefer a full-size electric scooter because of its storage capacity, either under the seat or in an attachable storage case. Ebikes, however, have accessories, such as attachable trailers. This accessory is popular with many riders of electric bicycles, as it enables trips to the grocery store (one of many short trips for which an electric vehicle can save gas).

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